Rube Goldberg Blog Post #2

Now that I have done my Rube Goldberg and finished everything, I feel like it was pretty easy to do. I felt that I was really stressed through out the process because I thought that I wouldn’t finish on time but I did which made me feel a lot better. Also, my design changed a lot too. I didn’t end up going with the steps I originally did, but I liked my new design better because I got my machine to work on the second try. I feel like if I used my regular Rube Goldberg design then it would take many tries to have it work. The new steps to my Rube Goldberg are 1. I let go of a baseball 2. The baseball hits a hammer 3. The hammer hits a softball that is being held up by a wedge 4. The softball hits dominoes 5. The dominoes hit a tennis ball 6. The tennis ball rolls down an inclined plane. 7. The tennis ball hits a piece of wood 8. The piece of wood hits the end of a skateboard 9. The skateboard hits dominoes 10. The dominoes hit and ring a bell. I felt like I was way more confident with the second design than the first one because I could be more successful with my second one.

I learned that even if you fail, you should always try again. You had to keep on trying and remaking your design so that it could be perfect.


My Sketch:


Builder: Me

Camera Man: Me

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