The capstone project is where we take a regular topic and write about it. You have to make a main inquiry question and 5 sub questions to go with it. For example, I’m doing my capstone about the Titanic.
The process wasn’t that hard. I have been interested in the Titanic ever since I saw the movie. It was the first topic I came up with.
Unlike choosing the topic, choosing the main inquiry question was hard. I had no clue what to write. My teacher helped me though, and we came up with the question “How has the discovery of the Titanic wreckage changed what we thought about how it sank?”
Coming up with the sub questions was easy. I just reflected off of what my topic was and wrote about things I wanted to learn. Some of my sub questions are: How was the wreckage discovered? What was the response? And What are some major discoveries about the ship that have been made since the wreckage has been found?
All in all, I really hope that my project turns out good. I also hope I can find an interview.