Feature Article Reflection

Have you ever made a feature article? If you have, you probably know that there’s lots of challenges to make a good feature article. When I first started learning about how to make them, I was deciding between making my topic about gymnastics or Christmas. I decided to go with gymnastics because it was the topic i knew more about, and it’s the thing I love the most. Also i’ve been doing gymnastics for mostly my entire life so I know everything about gymnnastics. At first I just started writing all about what I knew about gymnastics.  But then when we started getting further into the lesson I had to find a way to make my feature article without saying all about gymnastics and just lean more towards something specific in gymnastics.

Then we started formatting and laying it out how we wanted it to look. Afterwards, we added all our writing into the format. The hardest part was finding images that could fit in the format because whenever I pasted images into the slideshow they would stretch and wouldn’t look normal. Something that was also challenging was finding a way to explain gymnastics vocabulary in a way someone would understand it, because mostly the vocabulary was skills in gymnastics which is hard to explain.

The easiest and most fun part was adding all our writing into the doc cause all i had to do was copy and paste it. Mostly I’m very proud that I was always focused during the process and committed to working hard. Making a feature article was something that challenged me and  pushed me to work at my best. A feature article is similar to a personal narrative but a personal narrative is easier, shorter and you dont need pictures or a word vocabulary. Also a personal narrative doesn’t need any formatting. When making my feature article one thing that was hard was the formatting because I had to make shapes and just guess that my writing would fit inside, i had to make lots of changes once we actually started pasting out writing to the format.

I used lots of techniques to make my feature article better and more interesting. I used a vocabulary box and lots of fun facts to make sure the reader wanted to continue reading my feature article. I also used a ton of pictures to make my feature article more impressive and more interesting. I came up with my title, gymnastics, tougher than you think! I made this my title because the idea that i was trying to send to the reader was that gymnastics is harder than you think it is so i put my idea as my subtitle to make it sound more catchy. There were parts in the process of making the feature article that made me have to think a lot. For example masking my title was hard and used lots of thinking because i had to make sure that my title had something to do with my article, so  even though the title is simple it took me days to think of it. Overall i am very proud on how my feature article turned out and on how the formatting ended up losing  

Check out my feature article!


Vote For Me

Does it ever bother you that kids cant be involved in anything political because people think that kids make stupid decisions? Well I’m going to prove a point and show that if a very mature  kid was a president even just for their school it wouldn’t be that bad of a decision. Even though some kids might not make the best decisions some would, a few facts about myself are, I do gymnastics, and i like hanging out with friends. If i were the president of my school i would help out and make kids happier, for example, 

The first decision I would make if I were president of Heathcote would be adding vending machines in each hallway that kids can buy and use whenever they want, because sometimes kids forget their snacks or want a drink besides water so vending machines would just make kids happier. If one kid was hungry and didn’t have a snack they would have access to the vending machine and they wouldn’t starve, it’s a win win because I don’t think the teachers would like to have a kid that’s grumpy because they didn’t eat.  Also most of the time when someone forgets their water bottle the only thing a teacher gives them is a tiny little cup but with the vending machines they would be able to get a good size drink and enjoy it.  

The second thing I would change as president would be homework.  If we already went through an extra long day of school the last thing we want to do is still have to worry about school when you’re at home. Like kids do other things after school like sports it’s not like they are doing nothing all day, or they could make homework optional for whoever wants to do it but i think its un necessary because its not like they are gonna forget what they learned when they just learned it that same day. Homework makes kids stressed and uses up so much time that you could be using by doing something stress free. 

The final thing I would change is how long school is. I think school should be three hours maximum and it would start at ten am because six hours of school is so much and it uses up a kid’s entire day. Also they would probably work harder since they don’t have to wake up early also they don’t have to be at school as long. To do this they could just add more days of school but they are just shorter days. Do you agree on these changes if not what changes would you make to your school? 

In conclusion, in my opinion I think there should be a school classroom kid president that can make some choices for their  classroom, it would make all the kids happier and make them enjoy school more. 


Start and End of last year in Heathcote

The first week of fifth grade has been hard and fun at the same time. There is lots of things that I enjoyed on the first week and there’s lots of things that I’m looking forward to.


This first week of fifth grade has been packed with activities and lessons. My favorite was the identity map because I really enjoy drawing and coloring and I love sharing my favorite things which is what identity maps are all about. I got to share about what’s on my identity map to the class and after I shared,and  lots of people made connections to things they also like or relate to. At first I thought why do all the little people I drew look like skinny potatoes? But in the end I fixed it and just erased the people I drew.

I also really enjoyed making my locker sign because I’m very creative and I also got to design and color it with whatever I wanted which was very fun. When we first made our locker signs I thought that mine wasn’t that good and that all the logos I drew just looked like plain circles with colors. But then I made a few changes to it and it looks way better now. My favorite part of making my locker sign was drawing all the logos for my favorite stores. The last thing I really enjoyed was choosing to sit wherever I wanted for lunch because my and most of my friends are all in separate classes. We all sat somewhere different so when we got to choose our spots it was so much fun. 

This year there’s a few exciting things coming up since it’s my last year in elementary school. The first thing I’m looking forward to is the volleyball game. I’m really excited for this because I LOVE playing volleyball and even though I don’t do it as a sport I’m very good at it and I think it’s going to be very fun. I’m also very excited for moving up because I’m  excited for middle school and I’m excited to see my friends that are in middle school. Also there’s lots of my friends that I haven’t been in their class ever so I’m hoping we get in the same house and have classes together.The last thing I’m very excited for is field day because field day is so much fun. You get to eat food and play lots of games with friends. 

Overall, there were lots of fun things in the first week of fifth grade and lots of things to look forward to. What was your favorite thing from fifth grade?