Vote For Me

Does it ever bother you that kids cant be involved in anything political because people think that kids make stupid decisions? Well I’m going to prove a point and show that if a very mature  kid was a president even just for their school it wouldn’t be that bad of a decision. Even though some kids might not make the best decisions some would, a few facts about myself are, I do gymnastics, and i like hanging out with friends. If i were the president of my school i would help out and make kids happier, for example, 

The first decision I would make if I were president of Heathcote would be adding vending machines in each hallway that kids can buy and use whenever they want, because sometimes kids forget their snacks or want a drink besides water so vending machines would just make kids happier. If one kid was hungry and didn’t have a snack they would have access to the vending machine and they wouldn’t starve, it’s a win win because I don’t think the teachers would like to have a kid that’s grumpy because they didn’t eat.  Also most of the time when someone forgets their water bottle the only thing a teacher gives them is a tiny little cup but with the vending machines they would be able to get a good size drink and enjoy it.  

The second thing I would change as president would be homework.  If we already went through an extra long day of school the last thing we want to do is still have to worry about school when you’re at home. Like kids do other things after school like sports it’s not like they are doing nothing all day, or they could make homework optional for whoever wants to do it but i think its un necessary because its not like they are gonna forget what they learned when they just learned it that same day. Homework makes kids stressed and uses up so much time that you could be using by doing something stress free. 

The final thing I would change is how long school is. I think school should be three hours maximum and it would start at ten am because six hours of school is so much and it uses up a kid’s entire day. Also they would probably work harder since they don’t have to wake up early also they don’t have to be at school as long. To do this they could just add more days of school but they are just shorter days. Do you agree on these changes if not what changes would you make to your school? 

In conclusion, in my opinion I think there should be a school classroom kid president that can make some choices for their  classroom, it would make all the kids happier and make them enjoy school more.