Have you ever written a feature article or even know what it is? Writing one was challenging but also very enjoyable. You have to chose a topic, a main idea or message, and a format. I chose to write about the The Men’s Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup. There are many reasons why I chose this topic. At the end there were also many things I was proud of and some techniques that I used were more effective than others. It all took a lot of thought but it came out fine.
The reason I chose to write about The Men’s FIFA World Cup is because I knew a lot about the World Cup and I always had had a love and passion for soccer. I wanted to show exactly how much the players and teams had to go through to claim the worlds greatest trophy so I chose the message “The FIFA Men’s World Cup is really hard to win.” I needed to prove how it was more hard to win than the tennis tournaments or the Olympics.
The parts of writing the article that were most challenging to write about was the category of The World Cup Qualifiers. I did not know that much of the Qualifiers and had to do a lot of research. Another part that was most challenging was writing something in your own words. Its so easy to just do command c, command v. The problem is that is stealing. Another challenge was the actual part were I had to organize the writhing into a slideshow and find images. There was so many “you have to put it like this” and “you can’t do this” restrictions. Also there was restrictions like all the sizes had to be correct, that you could only have one font, and the line and paragraph spacing needed to be 1.15, forced to the top, and aligned to the left. There were also so many grammar checks that we had to do and looking over a 1,000 word block of writing is a pain. This was also enjoyable because it was fun to play around with the organization. The writing part was also pretty enjoyable because I like it to just be silence and have your fingers flying on the keyboard. It was also really fun to add pictures and have fun fact boxes. Even I learned a little by searching for fun facts. But writing a feature article is different from writing a personal narrative or a all about expert book. That because you have to focus on a single message and you have to do a lot of formatting because it is a article. Not a book.
There were many techniques that I used when I was writing and formatting my feature article like pictures that explained the text, on the bottom and top of the pages I put red strips to make the article look better, and I used a fun fact box and a glossary. Some things I’m really proud of in my feature article are like learning new things myself and completing the narrative. But the thing I am most proud of is finishing the formatting. It was really fun and hard to organize the formatting. In the beginning the slides just looked pretty bad and messy. But after I finished I was really proud that I had persevered.
So that is why I chose to write about The Men’s Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup, the most challenging and enjoyable parts, the most effective techniques, and the things I am most proud of when I finished.
If you want to read my feature article here it is: