Vote For Aiden of Class 5CL in Heathcote!

My name is Aiden from class 5CL at Heathcote elementary school. I am ten years old and I like art and math. I have very big ideas that I want you to support! Its easy! My two big ideas are that kids here in Heathcote should have more fun! My second idea is that you can spend more time on the subjects you like. So if you vote for me and I win in the election I will enforce these ideas here in Heathcote. 

My first idea is that kids should have more fun. If kids do really good work they should be able to have more recess, or earn something like less homework, or be able to watch a movie. Due that the students know what they are working for they could work harder. I want this so you can have more fun. Lets say you have a board that whenever your teacher puts a star on it for good work its one minute extra recess. Or if you show your teacher you can sit next to your friends without talking you can chose where you sit. If you don’t think I can’t enforce it I can. Some teachers already have similar things like this such as Davidson Dollars or a mystery walker. All I have to do is make sure every teacher has as least one way to do this and that the students agree on it. Less work, more fun! 

My second idea is that you can spend more time on subjects that you really like. I really want this to happen because most of my class wants to have more time in art class. If you have a subject/special you really like this is the time and place for you! There can be a time in the day where some place in the school is free that you can do anything you like there if your teacher says you earned it. Again, hard work, more fun. So you can have more time in your favorite subjects like continuing class work, drawing or continuing your project in art, or just hanging out with your friends.

So those are my two major things that I will do for the school if you vote for me and I win. Heathcote should have more fun and you can have more time in your favorite subject! Must I remind you though that those people that say their going to let you stay home for days and recess all day are tricking you. They have no power to do that. VOTE FOR ME, LESS WORK MORE FUN.  So what if you were elected Heathcote president? What would your two major ideas be?