Do you like hot dogs? Well I do. I’m really looking forward to The Hot Dog Field day, the Board of Legislators trip, the science unit Space Systems: The Stars and The Solar System, writing more literary essays and studying The Making of a Government & U.S. Constitution. I loved making the identity maps, studying the government, and much more. Also, do you like school? If you don’t, you could be surprised at how much you can enjoy the first week of fifth grade.
Five things I did in the past week I either really enjoyed or were really boring. Really boring. One thing is the book I started (and finished) called Storm Runner and it is now one of my favorite books. I’m dying to read the next book called “The Fire Keeper.” The Storm Runner is about a boy named Zane and he figures out he is a godborn and connected to ancient prophecy. Now he must travel to the Old World and fight the god of death, destruction, and disaster, A-puch. One time in the book Zane found a elephant sized chicken banging on the door of his house with Hondo and Brooks. It turned out to be Ms. Cab the great seer! I had to reread it three times to make sure my eyes were not malfunctioning. It was so funny! “Holy chicken!” I said, “why is a giant chicken pecking on the doors! Does it want birdseed?!” (Later in the book Ms Cab actually started to love birdseed.) I also started the Wings of Fire series and it is so interesting. The second thing I really enjoyed was making an identity map. It tells everything that makes you, you. I worked really hard on it and almost went over the time limit. The hardest part was making the Real Madrid and Spanish soccer team logos. I had to do it last because my teacher Ms. Cooper had to show me what they looked like so I could draw them correctly. Then when it was the last day to finish the identity maps I could not finish in time. “Please please please.” I begged for more time. At least Ms. Cooper gave me five extra minutes to finish the next day. Yeeeee haw! I thought. No, I’m not a cowboy. The third thing I did that I really enjoyed is probably the most interesting. It is studying the government. The 3 branches are the executive (president), legislative (congress), and the judicial branch. (supreme court). We are going to go much deeper in the government and how it works especially since in November 2024 it is the presidential election. This is one of my favorite topics and I really want to learn more. I ended up reading all the books and watching all the videos that I had more than five pages of notes! Once when I told Ms. Furgatch I had finished with my notes she said to read all them over. “Awwwwwwwww.” A fourth thing I loved was drawing the zentangle hands with Mr Bently. Now for the boring part. The “Responsible Use Policy” (RUP) lesson with Mr. Casal. (yes yes I get it. R u p, don’t make a joke about it.) This is when Mr Casal gives us a presentation about how to responsibly use our chromebooks and the consequences if we don’t. When it was time to read over the responsible use policy about our chromebooks I thought I was going to die of boredom! When he called for questions so many people raised their hands. AAAAAA we are going to be here all day. I just had to stretch and yawn. So these were some of the great and not so great things I did in the first week of school. Next is what I look forward to. Or should I say, the future.
Yeah, I agree I made that last sentence a little too dramatic. Probably I did not need it. But, now for what I look forward to. Now, it might sound funny to you when I say hot dog field day but yes. This is all true. The first thing I look forward to is the Hot Dog Field day. Now, I’m not 100% sure what it is about but I think it is a day when you eat tons of hot dogs somewhere. I love hot dogs. So you can probably see why I’m excited. What I am most excited about is the Board of Legislators field trip. It’s a half day field trip to a building where you learn all about the government. Specifically the Legislative branch (Congress). So you can see that I really like studying the government. The third thing I’m excited about is studying Space Systems: The Stars and The Solar System in science. I’m fascinated by the universe and would love to learn more. The fourth thing I’m excited about is studying the Making of a Government & U.S. Constitution. Again the government. One thing that interests me is how people come up with such a complex way of making a government and how it will work so I want to learn more. The fifth and last thing I’m excited about is writing more literary essays. It is so fun to type, type, and type some more! And there you go, the five things I’m excited about. Mind you these are only some of the things I am really excited about but I don’t have enough space to write them. Things like the Halloween Party but that is for another time so adios! (For now)
Overall, I really enjoyed what we did in the past week and I’m really excited for the year to come! To summarize what I did in the past week, I enjoyed reading the storm runner series, making the identity map, and studying the government. I’m excited about the Hot Dog Field Day, Board of Legislators Trip, Space Systems: The Stars and The Solar System, and The Making of a Government & U.S. Constitution. What are you excited about?