Extreme Weather Reflection

When I originally started working on my weather project, I didn’t want my topic to be on tornadoes. Like everyone else in my class, I wanted to research tsunamis. But eventually I decided that it didn’t really matter about what group I got. I had to rock-paper-scissors someone for my subtopic, which was prevention and safety. But I was nervous as I didn’t have a lot of information on it. 

Researching was way more challenging than I had expected. I only found one website that mentioned safety about tornadoes. I used only one book and one website, but both of them had a lot of information to share. It was fun to research for information, but also very challenging. I found more information on the website than the book. However, they both provided a lot, so I had to be very particular with what I chose to keep. But that wasn’t a struggle for me.   All I had to do was just look at my notes and then type it down. Sure, it took a long time, and it was harder than it seemed to find pictures that supported my work, but it still was still easy. 

I did however, struggle with memorizing all of the information I found, as well as finding the information on my subtopic. Tornadoes are well-known natural disasters, so you might think it was easy to find information, but since my subtopic is prevention and safety, it was super hard to do that.

Memorizing was definitely my biggest struggle! I could never seem to get it right and I thought that I would never fully memorize my slides. I felt sad because the people in my group had three and four slides, meanwhile I struggled with only having two slides. I didn’t speak loud enough when I first rehearsed in front of my class, but it was easily fixed! Rehearsing at home was a lot easier because it was way quieter there. But in the end, I persevered and did a great job! 

My Expert Book: Going to the Zoo

I wrote this book because it was really fun to write and it was also fun for me in real life! Thinking of what to write was really hard and it was almost impossible for me to think of anything. My favorite part of making the book was adding the cover and adding the pictures on the slideshow because looking for them was fun. I enjoyed it so much. When I was looking for a picture, I noticed one that looked really cool! When I pressed the slideshow, it looked so much cooler and I loved it. I learned lots of facts while making the book which was really fun for me! I had to hurry on finishing the paper book about it because my teacher said that. All I had to do was staple the paper and add the cover until I would be finished. I finally finished my paper book when I had to do another project but that isn’t what I’m talking about! I felt really great when I finished my book because no one would tell me “ Hurry up!” anymore! I was also really happy when I finished because it was exhausting and stressful. I loved my cover of the paper book because it looked so cool and totally awesome! I was happy to make it and making the slideshow was also fun. I did the slideshow part in tech and then wrote the book in my class which I think was easier.

This is my expert book.

Thank you for reading!

Personal Narrative Reflection

I enjoyed writing personal narrative stories because it was improving my typing skills! It was challenging for me because sometimes I had no idea of what to write about. I chose my story because the story I wrote about was a fun thing that happened to me and I couldn’t think of anything else to write about.

Writing the heart of the story was really easy. Because all I had to do was find the main part of my story and the main part of the story was basically on the cover!

I thought the revision process was amazing because I felt like it was so easy to just rewrite from my draft!

Typing is fun and really exciting for me because I like improving my typing skills and I like challenges.