Post # 3- Practicing Sanding and Cutting my wood
Last week I finished cutting my wood with a miter box saw. When you cut the wood you had to keep the saw level otherwise it would be hard to cut the wood. When you finished cutting the wood the saw would land on the bas with a hard thud, which scared me the first time but then i got used to it. In my opinion the are much easier to use than a regular saw. I also practiced sanding on a scrap piece of wood in preparation for the week after that where we would use a sanding machine. To sand you put a piece for sand paper, a rough surface, on a wooded block and then rub it on the side of a piece of wood that you want to be smooth. When I sanded it looked like this:
My pieces of wood that I cut with the miter box saw looked very rough and they were close to giving me splinters. Overall I had a lot of fun cutting the pieces of my box and practicing sanding.