Imagine your writing a whole article like the scholastic ones, you may think it’s easy and everything well it’s not. I just did and I got to add pictures and other fun stuff. I’m going to talk about how I came up with the topic, what aspects were most enjoyable, what techniques I used, what I’m most proud of and how it compares with a narrative.
I really liked writing the feature article but the most enjoyable parts were the conclusion, intro, and the formatting. The conclusion and intro was fun because I felt really good about them and I got to be creative to come up with them. I liked the formatting because it was easy but also really fun. I got to experience with changing the format and adding pictures. That is what I really enjoyed about the feature article.
When we were writing before we started we needed a topic. One way I came up with my topic is we had an orginizer to put different topics in, put the message, and the sections. This helped because I saw which one I could talk more about and which message I felt was better. Another way is I picked something I loved which was camp. I love a bunch of things but Camp is something I know a lot about and went there so I could have more specific things in it. That’s how I figured out what my topic should be.
There were a lot of techniques but I used a few most effectively in this piece. I used examples and interesting conclusion and introduction. For example the intro and conclusion I used an anecdote which is something like a scenario that you put in the article. I also used examples which were helpful when I listed things. I needed to list things for the activities and the food. Those are the main topics that I used.
I am proud of a lot of things but I was most proud of the formatting and the section called “Field Trips and Visiting Day”. I am proud of the formatting because it took a long time to do and was really hard but looks really good. Also there were a few rules on the formatting. When I was formatting I had to change almost all the formatting because all the blocks of writing had to be the same width. I’m proud of the field trips and visiting day section because I have a lot of text and it was really hard to correct the whole thing. I was also able to make it a really good size because I could fit in with a picture and fun fact. That is what I am mainly proud of.
The feature article compares to writing a narrative in many different ways. For instance, there was a lot more information. Instead of writing around paragraphs (including intro and conclusion) I wrote 6. We also had to do a lot of formatting. When we do the narratives we just copy and paste everything below the orginizer but with the feature article we copied and pasted everything into shapes and formatted it. I also had to write about a subject for the article but with narratives I write about my own experience. That’s how I think they compare.
Now that I’ve told you all about my experience with the feature article overall I think it was really fun. At first it was hard getting the topic and message but once I was getting the hang of it was easier. Have you ever written a feature article? If you have was it hard, was it fun?