Creating My Immigrant Video

Have you ever made an immigration documentary? Well I just did, and it was fun and hard. We had to interview someone and then with all the information we wrote a narrative and a script and found pictures and put it all in WeVideo. I am going to say the process of the project and what I learned.

The process for the immigration project was hard. We did many things. First, we wrote a narrative and had to make it into a script. We copied and pasted small parts of text into an organizer to make the script then decided on what we wanted the pictures and text to be. I think this was one of the harder parts because we had to come up with the right pictures and make sure the timing was good. Next we had to do the times which was reading the section and making sure it was six seconds or less. Once we did that we looked for pictures. I think finding pictures was the hardest because it was hard to find pictures from when my dad, the person I interviewed was younger. When I finished finding the pictures I needed even if I had extras I started the we video. I was choosing photos and at first I got photos from the internet but then I needed more from my mom and dad’s phone and it got hard. It was even harder because they didn’t have many from when my dad was younger. When I was choosing the photos it was so hard to decide because there were so many good ones. In we video I started with adding the photos I was 100% using. Some photos I didn’t have yet so I went to the audio. I narrated I bunch and once I finally got all the photos and decided which I was gonna use I added them all. I then added text and did all the editing and finishing touches. The most enjoyable part was probably adding all the pictures once I knew which ones I was using. The hardest part was probably timing it and it being higher than six seconds. This was hard because at first nobody said there was a limit so mine were all higher then six seconds. Overall, this project was fun and hard at the same time.

I learned many things from this interview. I learned about the immigrant, conducting and interview and creating the video. I learned about the immigrant in many ways. I learned why he came here, how he met my mom and more from when he was younger. I learned about conducting an interview in many different ways. I learned that it was harder and easier in different ways. It was harder because at first the questions weren’t answered in the way I was hoping. Also it was a bit hard to record what he was saying because he was talking a bit fast. When he was answering I was typing as he was talking so he had to slow down. It was easier because I thought it would be harder to actually conduct it. What I mean is I thought there would be more challenges as I was asking my dad the questions. I learned that when I’m doing the interview I should just record because as I said it was hard to put all the information. I would also make the questions more specific so I could get the answer I was looking for. I think when I’m creating the video I should be more organized. I was getting photos then recording then getting photos to the point I didn’t know what photos I had and didn’t. I learned many things from the immigration project about my immigrant, conducting an interview and creating a video.

In conclusion, the project was hard and easy in different ways. I also learned lots from this and the process was long but fun. There was many enjoyable things and challenging things. Have you ever conducted an interview or learned about an immigrant? If so was it fun, boring, challenging or easy?

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