Immigration Interview Reflection

Have you ever interviewed someone on immigration? Maybe, but I just did. I interviewed my dad by making questions related to immigration and then I interviewed him. I will be telling you about the process of preparing and my experience.

The process of the interview was hard and fun. We did many things to prepare. First we came up with the person we wanted to interview. The person had to be an adult or someone over 18 and someone who immigrated. You had to have some sort of relationship with them. I chose my dad. After we came up with the person we started to think about questions we might ask. When we were making questions we had to think about if it was a one worded question. It had to be related to there immigration experience and you couldn’t do questions like how old are you, whats your name, where are you from if you knew the answers. After you came up with 10 – 15 questions you could do your interview. Before we did it Mrs. Cooper checked our questions. When I had a lot of questions I found it hard to do more because they all would have the same answer. When I did my interview I was typing while listening but another way I could’ve done it was recording but I thought it would be to much work. Now that I finished my interview we have to do 2 blog posts, the actual video and the script. That’s the process of preparing for the interview

Next I’m gonna talk about how conducting my interview went. When I was interviewing my dad I just typed while he was talking but another way I could’ve done it was record. Once I asked all the question it had taken around 15 minutes. It was really fun but at times when I asked a question he didn’t really answer what I needed. Some questions had a short answer and some had a long answer. I had the interview in person and it was but at the same time wasn’t what I expected. I thought my dad’s answers would be a bit different but I knew how it would go. I think I should have recorded the interview because I couldn’t write everything he said so it took longer. I learned that conducting an interview is easier then I thought. I thought it would be harder but all I did was pull up the questions on the chrome book and he answered them. I learned my dad came here for a masters program in business and many other things like how his journey was and what it was like. The most interesting thing I learned was probably that he came for a masters program in business administration.

Now that I’ve told you how the process of preparing for the interview and how it was conducting the interview I think it was really fun.

Feature Article Reflection

Imagine your writing a whole article like the scholastic ones, you may think it’s easy and everything well it’s not. I just did and I got to add pictures and other fun stuff. I’m going to talk about how I came up with the topic, what aspects were most enjoyable, what techniques I used, what I’m most proud of and how it compares with a narrative.

I really liked writing the feature article but the most enjoyable parts were the conclusion, intro, and the formatting. The conclusion and intro was fun because I felt really good about them and I got to be creative to come up with them. I liked the formatting because it was easy but also really fun. I got to experience with changing the format and adding pictures. That is what I really enjoyed about the feature article.

When we were writing before we started we needed a topic. One way I came up with my topic is we had an orginizer to put different topics in, put the message, and the sections. This helped because I saw which one I could talk more about and which message I felt was better. Another way is I picked something I loved which was camp. I love a bunch of things but Camp is something I know a lot about and went there so I could have more specific things in it. That’s how I figured out what my topic should be.

There were a lot of techniques but I used a few most effectively in this piece. I used examples and interesting conclusion and introduction. For example the intro and conclusion I used an anecdote which is something like a scenario that you put in the article. I also used examples which were helpful when I listed things. I needed to list things for the activities and the food. Those are the main topics that I used.

I am proud of a lot of things but I was most proud of the formatting and the section called “Field Trips and Visiting Day”. I am proud of the formatting because it took a long time to do and was really hard but looks really good. Also there were a few rules on the formatting. When I was formatting I had to change almost all the formatting because all the blocks of writing had to be the same width. I’m proud of the field trips and visiting day section because I have a lot of text and it was really hard to correct the whole thing. I was also able to make it a really good size because I could fit in with a picture and fun fact. That is what I am mainly proud of.     

The feature article compares to writing a narrative in many different ways. For instance, there was a lot more information. Instead of writing around paragraphs (including intro and conclusion) I wrote 6. We also had to do a lot of formatting. When we do the narratives we just copy and paste everything below the orginizer but with the feature article we copied and pasted everything into shapes and formatted it. I also had to write about a subject for the article but with narratives I write about my own experience. That’s how I think they compare.

Now that I’ve told you all about my experience with the feature article overall I think it was really fun. At first it was hard getting the topic and message but once I was getting the hang of it was easier. Have you ever written a feature article? If you have was it hard, was it fun?

A Spooky Story

You wake up and you hear, Boo! It’s finally Halloween and you can’t wait to go trick or treating. I had a great Halloween and I got a lot of candy. I’ll be talking about how I celebrated in school and how I celebrated at home.

First I am going to talk about how I celebrated in school. I had a Halloween party and Halloween parade. The Halloween party was fun because there was a dj. The DJ played a lot of good music and we learned dances. There was also a lot of light and they gave things like glow sticks and a bunch of light up stuff. Another example is there were a lot of things to do. You could either be hanging out in the gym where there was air hockey, gaga, estimation jar and basket ball or at the dj area. When I was at the DJ area it was really fun because they played a lot of Taylor Swift and there were a lot of prizes and people screaming,if you didn’t like the screaming you could go to the gym. The last reason why I liked the party was there were a lot of cool costumes. Andrew had a big blow up chicken which was funny and a few clowns. There were also a lot of people being Taylor Swift albums and football players. Another way I celebrated is the Halloween parade. One example that I liked it was I got to see other grades’ costumes and there were a lot of different and similar costumes to me. Another example is I got to see my mom and she got to see a lot of peoples different costumes. The last example is I didn’t have to do school work. I did the opposite by talking to my friends.

Now that I’ve talked about how I celebrated at school I’m going to talk about how I did at home. Before trick or treating I got to give candy to a few trick or treaters and they were so cute. Another thing was I met Sydney and walked to all the houses to trick or treat at. When I was trick or treating it was fun because I got to go with Sydney and we bumped into a lot of people and we went to my friends houses to trick or treat. We also got a lot of candy so much that my friend’s bag was overflowing and mine was a huge bag but it was almost overflowing. After trick or treating I walked with Sydney back to my house and we drove her home. I also went through all my candy and had over 200 pieces of candy.

This Halloween experience was the best because it was the first time I went by myself with no parents. Now that you understand what I did to celebrate at home and at school did you go trick or treating? How much candy did you get?

Identity Map Reflection

Have you ever made an identity map? If not, I can tell you all about them. An identity map is basically a map or web with aspects about yourself, such as hobbies, favorite foods or favorite colors. I will share parts of my identity map and some of the parts of my classmates identity maps.

There are so many aspects on my identity map, if I had to choose the three things that are most important to me on my identity map they are my camp Pocono Springs, Skiing and Shopping. For instance, I really like Pocono Springs because I made new friendships and had a lot of fun. I also got to try new things and do all the new activities that I’ve never done before. It was my first year at camp and everyone was so welcoming. Additionally, I get a break from my brother because he doesn’t go to camp. Another thing that is important to me is skiing because I’ve gotten really good at it. Also I’ve been skiing since I was five. Another reason is I go every year to Vermont mostly and I have a lot of fun. To add on, it’s really fun learning new techniques and going on new slopes especially in new places that I don’t always go to like Colorado where there’s a lot of snow.I really like shopping because I like getting new clothes and things like that. Also I like going to the mall and stores because I like looking around for random things to buy. Another reason is I get to do something that involves me getting stuff and there’s so many things I want so I get it and I don’t want to be with my brother and he hates the stores I shop at.

 Now that you know what’s important to me I’ll tell you what connections I have with my tablemates.My tablemates are Zoe, Nico, Andrew and Juan and I learned a lot of things about them I also learned that we have a lot of connections. I learned that Zoe likes reading. She likes Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, The Olympians, Heroes of Olympus and Keepers of the Lost Cities. She likes many other books and likes to read chapter books. A connection that we have is that we both have a brother. Also we are both girls. I learned that Nico has a family of four. He has his brother, his mom, his dad and himself. I also learned he’s Brazilian and loves pizza. A connection is that we both have a family of four and both have a brother. I learned that Andrew likes the FC Barcelona soccer team. He likes it because his brother would watch it a lot and he likes how they play. To add on, he likes to see how he can improve and play soccer. A connection that we have is we both have brothers. I learned that Juan plays hockey. He started when he was four and still plays it. I also learned that he likes sports cars. A connection that we have is that we both have younger siblings.

In conclusion, I think working on this project helped us learn some things that motivate each other and brought us closer together as a community. I also learned that I have a lot in common with my classmates. Now that you know all about identity maps, maybe you can make one yourself!

First Week Of School

Beep beep the alarm goes off It’s the first day of school! I’m so scared to meet my teacher and see who’s in my class. I had such a good time in the first week and my teacher was really nice and had a lot of friends in my class. In the first week I did fun things like we did the Index Card Challenge for social studies and we also made Identity Maps which were so colorful.We also did We Make a Difference and that’s when we pick a quote and draw a portrait to go with it! I’m excited for the Halloween Party, Bedford Ropes Course and Hot dog field day!

I enjoyed many different things in the first week of school such as the Index Card Challenge, We Make a Difference and Identity Maps.For instance, I enjoyed the Index Card Challenge, for example, it was fun to think of strategies and see what worked and what didn’t. It helped with teamwork and helped for patience because your tower kept falling down and it was hard to just keep trying. I also enjoyed We Make a Difference because it was really fun to find a quote and it was something that wasn’t too hard. I also enjoyed it because I really like to draw and we got to draw a portrait and it was calming and something easy to do at the end of the day. I also liked the Identity Map because it was really fun to color it because I love to draw. Also I get to express myself so people can get to know me if we aren’t really friends and I get to learn about other people. Those are the things I have most enjoyed in the first week of school!

I’m looking forward to many different things including the Halloween Party, Bedford Ropes Course and Hot Dog Field Day. For instance I’m looking forward to the Halloween Party because I get to dress up in a costume and have fun. Also it is one of my favorite holidays because we get to dress up and get candy. I’m also looking forward to the Hot Dog Field Day because we get hot dogs which I love. Another example is we get teams and we get to play a lot of games with our friends which is gonna be really fun. I’m also excited for the Bedford Ropes Trip because I like to climb and do ropes courses. Also I’m really good and climbing and I get to be with my friends. Those are the things I’m most excited for so far!

In my opinion I really enjoyed the Identity map, The We make a difference and the Index card challenge and it was all really fun. As you can also see in my opinion I’m really excited for the Bedford ropes course, Volleyball game and the Halloween party. Do you remember what you did in 5th grade? Did you do the same things?

The 3rd Grade State Tests

I think the ELA state test was ok because we had to do so much prep even though the prep wasn’t too bad. Another reason I think the state test was ok is because  the 2nd day was kind of hard because it was all writing. Another reason it was ok is because I still had to think but I had practiced so much that it was also kind of easy. I also thought that the 2nd day was going to be easy because I had practiced so much and the 1st day was so easy but it was hard because the extended response had to be four paragraphs.

I think the math state test was kind of easy because we did a lot of prep so we kind of knew what was coming. Another reason is because for the 1st day there was 26 multiple questions and on the 2nd day there were 8 multiple choice and 5 short responses 1 extended response so there wasn’t that many questions each day compared to the number of questions on the other ones that we did from other years. Another reason is the room was so quiet so I was able to concentrate and not get distracted.