Home of the Brave Reflection

There are a lot of windows that I have with Kek In the book Home of the Brave by Katherine Applegate. A window is something new for you or not the same as you. You can learn a lot about the life of other people that you have never experienced before. The book was about Kek and he had to move away from his home because he lost his family in war and also lost his mom because she went missing. He had to get used to life in America and live with his aunt and cousin Ganwar.

One way Kek’s life is a window for me is that he has to get used to all the new technology that there is in America. For example, he didn’t know what a light switch was because he used the sunlight for a light in Sudan. Another example is he didn’t know that a washing machine was only for clothes and he put dishes in it and they all broke because he thought you could wash anything. The last example is that he didn’t know what the air conditioning was so he was freezing because in Sudan they didn’t have air conditioning. This makes me realize that other places like Sudan don’t have what we have because Kek doesn’t know what lots of things are.

Another window is understanding wealth and privileges in America can be hard. One example he thought he had to pay for school. When he got to school he was like a desk to myself! Also he thought he had to pay for it. When it was lunch he got school lunch and thought it was a feast. He also tried french fries for the first time and he loved them which is so different then me because I don’t like school lunch and he thought it was a feast. This makes me realize that we have more things than other places like Sudan.

In the book Home Of The Brave I learned that there are many windows and some peoples life is very different then others. This was probably really hard for Kek because his dad and brother died in war and the mom is missing. This shows me how hard peoples life could be. Have you read home of the brave? If you have do you have any windows with it?