First Week Of School

Beep beep the alarm goes off It’s the first day of school! I’m so scared to meet my teacher and see who’s in my class. I had such a good time in the first week and my teacher was really nice and had a lot of friends in my class. In the first week I did fun things like we did the Index Card Challenge for social studies and we also made Identity Maps which were so colorful.We also did We Make a Difference and that’s when we pick a quote and draw a portrait to go with it! I’m excited for the Halloween Party, Bedford Ropes Course and Hot dog field day!

I enjoyed many different things in the first week of school such as the Index Card Challenge, We Make a Difference and Identity Maps.For instance, I enjoyed the Index Card Challenge, for example, it was fun to think of strategies and see what worked and what didn’t. It helped with teamwork and helped for patience because your tower kept falling down and it was hard to just keep trying. I also enjoyed We Make a Difference because it was really fun to find a quote and it was something that wasn’t too hard. I also enjoyed it because I really like to draw and we got to draw a portrait and it was calming and something easy to do at the end of the day. I also liked the Identity Map because it was really fun to color it because I love to draw. Also I get to express myself so people can get to know me if we aren’t really friends and I get to learn about other people. Those are the things I have most enjoyed in the first week of school!

I’m looking forward to many different things including the Halloween Party, Bedford Ropes Course and Hot Dog Field Day. For instance I’m looking forward to the Halloween Party because I get to dress up in a costume and have fun. Also it is one of my favorite holidays because we get to dress up and get candy. I’m also looking forward to the Hot Dog Field Day because we get hot dogs which I love. Another example is we get teams and we get to play a lot of games with our friends which is gonna be really fun. I’m also excited for the Bedford Ropes Trip because I like to climb and do ropes courses. Also I’m really good and climbing and I get to be with my friends. Those are the things I’m most excited for so far!

In my opinion I really enjoyed the Identity map, The We make a difference and the Index card challenge and it was all really fun. As you can also see in my opinion I’m really excited for the Bedford ropes course, Volleyball game and the Halloween party. Do you remember what you did in 5th grade? Did you do the same things?