Have you ever wondered what it is like when you go to a ropes course? I went to one for a field trip. In this reflection you will learn about my favorite challenges and you will understand what I learned about myself and my classmates and what I learned about teamwork.
I enjoyed many challenges at the ropes course. My favorite was the rope bridge challenge I like is because it was the easiest you had to be on a bridge and not touch the ground and not touch another person. Another one I liked was the lava island challenge because I was really good at it. It is where there are three islands and you could not touch the ground there was a plank and that would not touch the ground either and the plank is smaller than the space. Finally, the last one I liked was the rope swing challenge because you needed to get to this platform and without touching the ground I liked it but it was the hardest one out of the five and I got many tries.
Additionally, I learned a lot about myself, my classmates and teamwork. What I learned about myself is that I can be bossy. But I can also be bossy with really good ideas. Like on the lava island challenge, where the goal is to cross three pieces of wood and not touch the ground. We had a big plank to use which could not touch the ground either. I said to the group “I have an idea”. No one listened to me but my friend Reznor. He said “listen to Asher”. Everyone listened to me, My idea was to stand on the plank and some teammates would help hold people on the plank. This idea helped us complete the challenge. What I learned about teamwork was to let people go before you. Because I would much rather everyone getting to the other side than just me getting to the other side.
In conclusion, at the Bedford Ropes course, I learned that it is easier to work as a group. It will help you in the future when you are older. This field trip was fantastic and I can’t wait for another fun field trip.