Immigrant Video Reflection

For school we needed to do a project of Interviewing an immigrant. I did my dad. I made questions and asked him them and it went well and in this blog post you will learn how I created the video and what I learned and read on to see if it went as good as my first blog post.

Creating the video was fun but also challenging. The script was hard because you needed to time yourself reading it and put the seconds in the script. The part that was easy with the script was taking parts from your narrative and putting it into your script. In WeVideo it was easy to find the Images but Sometimes they didn’t have the images I was looking for so I went to search the web and I had to go into creative commons and I found what I was looking for. The voice over is when you record it, it wasn’t that hard. 

I learned some things about this project. One of them is that I learned to make a video which might help me a lot when I go into middle school, high school, And maybe even college. Next is Doing the interview. I will have to do an interview for capstone and maybe many more things Such as doing one as a grown up. And I didn’t really learn that much about the immigrant, my dad because he is my dad. I already know so much about him.

In conclusion, that was me making a story about how I made a story about my dad and his immigration

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