Are you an Immigrant? Well I had to do a project about it and I did my dad. He came from England when he moved here with my mom. In this article it has my preparation for the interview and doing it. It was a good experience learning to do things.
I had to do a lot of things to prepare for the Interview. One thing was I had to think about the questions I asked him because he is my dad. I already know so much about him so I did not want to ask him where you were born or when you were born. I got some questions from the Heathcote gateway on Mrs. Cooper’s page There were a lot of questions on it but I did not use all of them. I highlighted on my chrome book the first questions were red, the second were orange, and last but not least the last were blue. One of my questions was did you have a hard time immigrating if so why. With all of this information I was prepared.
The interview was easy because it was in person and I just asked him the questions and he responded and I typed them so it is not that hard. It went as expected and I had no problems but he came home from Miami, Florida so he might have been tired. I learned to take time don’t rush because if you rush you won’t have good information. Learned more about my dads life before I came along. Doing this work I feel ready to do my capstone interview. So this helped me a lot and it was easy.
In conclusion, I had to prepare for the article and do it and it was easy. It was a great experience.