Nice Curling

The stone gets in the center, it’s curling, a Scottish sport where people are on ice and slide stones. The goal of the game is to get the stone in the circle. I had a field trip to go curling and I can’t wait and I want to see how different it is at school and at the field trip.  

It’s F day you have P.E. that stands for physical education. It’s curling and you can’t wait, I thought to myself that this was a great time. But we needed to watch videos about curling and the fun hadn’t even started yet. It is the next P.E. day we were still bummed that we did not do any games with the stones but we got to slide around on carpet squares.The next day we learned how to use the stones and slide them around. It reminded me of kicking a soccer ball and it rolling around. They were not real stones but they were shaped and ball bearings at the bottom but they were still fun. We learned how to push off of something we used mats but at the field trip we would push off a starting block that would be in ice. Then we put it all together, it was hard at first but we got used to it. We would slip and fall so many times but we would always get back up and try again. 

The day has come it is the field trip. It was so exciting I jumped out of bed, and I got to school. It was going to be a good day. I did my first special then it was time I got on the bus. The drive was 25 minutes. It felt so long and we had to go up these squiggly hills. Then we had to walk down this big steep hill then we came in and saw the other class curling. The instructors told us to go where and made our groups, my group was Zoe, Josh, Dillon, and me. I thought that this was going to be a really good team. Our instructor made us try to push off the starting block. I went first and the stones were heavy and we needed to hold something that would not make us lose balance. We had to use brooms to sweep. We met our competitors and we lost their stone was the closest. It was okay though we lost two to one and we shook hands and said good curling. 

There, now you know all about my experiences with curling at school and at the field trip. Curling will take a while to get good at but that is why people of all ages can do it. So if you are near a curling club it is a great experience.    


Feature Article Reflection

Have you ever written an article? I have, it was challenging and easy at the same time. I had to choose an idea and stick with it. My idea was cars are becoming more and more advanced by the minute. 

I chose cars because my dad taught me all about them. My dad loves cars. His favorite type of car is a lotus. It is a British type of car. I had four categories, one was the modern engine, the new cars, future cars, and people who make cars. Many parts were hard and some were easy, one thing that was hard was finding photos then getting the right size. An easy part was writing it all down because I already know what I was writing.

I used a lot of techniques. For example, write whatever comes to your head you do not have to go in order and don’t spend a lot of time finding photos, spend time formatting. This feature article made me happy because I did not think it was going to be so amazing. I think that this is different from a personal narrative because my dad taught me about cars. I thought that this feature article was a success. 

In conclusion, there was so much work to go into this article each page took four days to do. This article took a month. I am so proud that I did this and I am happy it came out the way it did.

Courageous course

Have you ever wondered what it is like when you go to a ropes course? I went to one for a field trip. In this reflection you will learn about my favorite challenges and you will understand what I learned about myself and my classmates and what I learned about teamwork. 

I enjoyed many challenges at the ropes course. My favorite was the rope bridge challenge I like is because it was the easiest  you had to be on a bridge and not touch the ground and not touch another person. Another one I liked was the lava island challenge because I was really good at it. It is where there are three islands and you could not touch the ground there was a plank and that would not touch the ground either and the plank is smaller than the space. Finally, the last one I liked was the rope swing challenge because you needed to get to this platform and without touching the ground I liked it but it was the hardest one out of the five and I got many tries.

Additionally, I learned a lot about myself, my classmates and teamwork. What I learned about myself is that I can be bossy. But I can also be bossy with really good ideas. Like on the lava island challenge, where the goal is to cross three pieces of wood and not touch the ground.  We had a big plank to use which could not touch the ground either.   I said to the group “I have an idea”. No one listened to me but my friend Reznor. He said “listen to Asher”.   Everyone listened to me,  My idea was to stand on the plank and some teammates would help hold people on the plank.  This idea helped us complete the challenge. What I learned about teamwork was to let people go before you. Because I would much rather everyone getting to the other side than just me getting to the other side.   

In conclusion, at the Bedford Ropes course, I learned that it is easier to work as a group.  It will help you in the future when you are older. This field trip was fantastic and I can’t wait for another fun field trip.