Passion Projects – Part #1 (Finding My Passion)

In Mr. Turner’s 6th grade science class, we get to make passion projects. Passion projects are really fun projects where you get to choose a passion of yours, and make a slideshow out of it and present it to your class. The first step, obviously, is to choose a passion. For me, I’ve always had a passion for art, and different forms of it. Watercolor, pastel, colored pencil, and acrylic are all types of art that I love to do, but I especially love to draw characters from my favorite TV shows and video games. And that is my passion, character art/drawing. The next step will be posted next Monday, and I have really high expectations for this project. I’m very excited about doing this, and even though I’ve already done a passion project in 4th grade, I still think it will be a fun experience and a fun project overall! 😀

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