Blog Post #1 – Tech 7 – Wood

It’s been a very long time since I last blogged, but I’m already in seventh grade! Anyway, I have to make a blog post about lumber and the process of turning trees into wood we humans can actually use. One thing I definitely found interesting was the process of timber harvest in the first video. I understand that they were cutting redwood trees (which are huge) and they had limited technology back in the 1940s, but it was a much longer process compared to the more recent videos. There is an obvious difference between the process of timber harvest in the 1940s and the process nowadays, but some of the big ones I noted were that, back then, they used wedges and saws and axes to cut down trees. Some even went as far as climbing up the tree to cut the top off, which is obviously very dangerous, but in the more recent videos, you can see that they simply use machines in a nice and organized process. Also, the part when they were getting ready to transport the wood was much longer in the older video. In the old one, they had many cams and pulleys and, basically, very complicated machinery, but in the recent video, they used machines and loaded the truck in a matter of minutes. Anyway, there is a huge difference between both videos, and I feel like this shows how much the human race has evolved. At one point in prehistory, we were monkey-like beings who hunted and gathered food to live, but now, we are much more advanced. Humanity has changed and it continues to change, which I find very interesting.

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