Tech Post #5: Atoms

Hello everyone. Due to the coronavirus, all students were permitted to stay at home, and so, the teachers started online learning. I’m so sad that I can’t go to school to work on the cool projects in Tech, but we still get to learn at home. We started a unit on Atoms, and it’s actually really interesting. So far, I’ve learned that an atom is made up of subatomic particles, protons, neutrons, and electrons. As you may (or may not)  have guessed, protons have a positive charge, neutrons are neutral, and electrons have a negative charge. In the middle of an atom, there is nucleus, which is super small. It’s so small, that (for example) if you were to enlarge say, a grapefruit so you could see every atom that makes up said grapefruit, it would have to be the size of the earth. Each atom would then be the size of a blueberry. If you looked and looked for the nucleus in that blueberry, you would have to then, enlarge it again to the size of a football field, and the nucleus would be dead center, and it would be the size of a marble. Yeah, it’s that small. Anyways, that’s all I’ve learned so far, and I hope to learn even more. I can’t wait!

Tech Post #4 (Sauntering and Jewelry Making)

Hello! We haven’t finished our Automates, but that is an ungoing project, so now we are making jewelry. We started by making some designs and we had to keep in mind that we could only use 5 wires for the first design we make, but after we are allowed to use any amount of wires we want. I am making a necklace for my mom since her birthday is coming up. I really can’t wait to see where this project is going to go, and so far, I’m having lots of fun! I hope my mom likes the necklace. 😁

Tech Post #3: Automates (continued)

This is my 3rd post for Tech, and we are still working on automates. We hot glued the box together, which houses the gears that make the motion happen, and my teacher used a laser cutter and cardboard to create my cam and my follower. My cam is a circle that has a hole in it, and my follower is an avocado shape, also with a hole in it. To make these, we used an app, Vectornator, and we made shapes for our cam and follower.

So far, this is a really fun project, and I can’t wait to see my final product. The motion that is going to happen on top is a warrior with a sword that is in a chopping up and down motion. I can’t wait to finish this project, and I can tell it’s going to be really fun from here! 😁

Tech Post #2: The Automates

Hello, this is my second post for Technology. We are currently working on Automates, which are kind of like small boxes that house a small contraption that has a reaction to something else.

In these Automates, there are things called Cams and followers, which are kind of like gears that make something move. For example, in the picture there is an Automate that when you spin the dowel on the side, the duck on top of the box moves around the small bridge. This automate uses a cam and a follower to make the duck move.

I’m really excited for the next steps in this process, and I really can’t wait!

Tech Post #1: Archimedes The Inventor

Hello! This is my first post for 6th grade Technology, and so far, it’s been s blast. I just read this article about this Greek inventor, mathematician, physician, and engineer, Archimedes. He was really cool, but I wanted to post about one specific thing he created the worlds first “death ray”. During the Siege of Syracuse (Sicily) during 212 B.C., the Romans were taking over Syracuse, but most of the Roman infantry were frightened out of their minds, and they had a reason to, because they’ve heard the stories of Archimedes’ inventions…

He made many other battle inventions, like the Archimedes Claw, which basically picked up giant warships and drowned it’s passengers, but lets not get off track. This invention was supposedly made by sanding giant bronze shields, and soldiers would hold these gargantuan shields and use the reflection of the sun to their advantage and would burn down Roman ships. This ancient “death ray” would make one of the greatest empires in the whole world petrified out of their skin.

Archimedes made a huge impact on the world with his intelligence and his inventions, and this is why I wrote about him in this blog. Sadly, these inventions didn’t stop the mighty Roman Empire, and they eventually took over Syracuse, but Archimedes’ legacy will stay in the minds of many knowing inventors around the world.

Passion Projects – Part #3 (Plan of Action)

So, this is part three of my Passion Project Process. Since I have my pitch and I have everything I want to do written down, it’s time for planning my prototype and how my project is going to look like. If you haven’t read my last blog post, then you should read that to understand what I’m going to say. For the example sketches of the human body, I’m going to use just a regular sheet of sketching paper and a sketch pencil. I’m also going to show a sketch of Mario and his anatomy (it’s kind of weird). Like I said in my last blog post, I’m going to do an “epic” drawing using all the skills I’ve learned from this project, and I’ve decided that I’m going to do an epic piece of video game characters fighting, and if you’ve played Super Smash Bros, you know what I’m talking about.;) As soon as I’m finished with my sketches, I’m going to post them on my next pos thanks for reading! 😀

Passion Projects – Part #2 (Making a Pitch)

Hello. These are some questions about my Passion Project.

What will you learn and make?

I will learn how the human anatomy works and what muscles go where, what shadows go where, and what muscles should stretch in different dynamic poses. I will make multiple sketches of how the anatomy works for different characters, and I will make some drawings of different characters, and in the end, a drawing tutorial on character drawing using all of my best materials and new skills I will learn throughout this project.

Why do you want to learn and make this?

I want to learn and make this because I want to get better at drawing characters, and I also feel like it would help me when I try to draw more complex pieces including different characters.

How will you learn and make this?

I will learn and make this by asking my art teacher for my Honors art class, and I will ask her how the human anatomy works, and what muscles goes where on the human body. I will make my sketches with a charcoal pencil to define which muscles go where, and I will use Prismacolor colored pencils for my pictures of drawing, and my time lapse. I will make the video by attaching a camera to my lamp on my art desk, then I will start drawing.

What will success look like to you?

I will learn and make this by asking my art teacher for my Honors art class, and I will ask her how the human anatomy works, and what muscles goes where on the human body. I will make my sketches with a charcoal pencil to define which muscles go where, and I will use Prismacolor colored pencils for my pictures of drawing, and my time lapse. I will make the video by attaching a camera to my lamp on my art desk, and I will start drawing.


Passion Projects – Part #1 (Finding My Passion)

In Mr. Turner’s 6th grade science class, we get to make passion projects. Passion projects are really fun projects where you get to choose a passion of yours, and make a slideshow out of it and present it to your class. The first step, obviously, is to choose a passion. For me, I’ve always had a passion for art, and different forms of it. Watercolor, pastel, colored pencil, and acrylic are all types of art that I love to do, but I especially love to draw characters from my favorite TV shows and video games. And that is my passion, character art/drawing. The next step will be posted next Monday, and I have really high expectations for this project. I’m very excited about doing this, and even though I’ve already done a passion project in 4th grade, I still think it will be a fun experience and a fun project overall! 😀