Capstone: Choosing My Topic and Main Inquiry Question

My class has recently started a project called Capstone. A Capstone is something where first you think of a topic that interests you, then you make a main inquiry question related to that topic. A main inquiry question is a question related to your topic that is the overall question that you will be trying to answer when you start your research. But, to answer that question you need to come up with sub-questions. Sub questions are questions that you have to answer that will answer your main inquiry question. Then you need to start researching each question. After that is done, you interview an expert on the topic. Once you have done all that, you finally take all the information you have gathered, and you put it in a presentation! In this post, I will be talking about finding my topic and inquiry question.

My topic for Capstone is sleep. I chose this topic because my mom is always saying that sleep is important. So, I wanted to know more about sleep, and every time my mom said how important sleep is, I got more interested, so I chose it for my Capstone topic! At first, I was thinking, Is this topic going to be interesting, I don’t want it to be boring! But then I realized that I thought it was interesting so I stuck to that topic. My main inquiry question is “What are the four stages of sleep and what happens if those stages are disturbed?” Something that was helpful when choosing my main inquiry question is that my teachers helped me, so I knew if it was good or not. If they weren’t helping me, I would always be skeptical throughout Capstone if my main inquiry question was good enough! A challenging part of choosing my main inquiry question is that there are so many different kinds of questions having to do with sleep, that at first, I didn’t know which kind of questions I wanted to use!

Overall, I have learned about myself as a learner that I learn pretty well when I research, and when there is a virtual lesson. I don’t think that learning from home is too much harder than learning in school. It is a little bit harder, but I think I am managing it just fine.


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