My new quarterly is technology. I technology you learn about the, well, technology of things. For example, right know we are learning about forces, and about how for different projects, you need to find the right material for the job. This week, I found out that the Titanic not only sunk because it hit an iceberg, but because of something else too. Keep in mind that the Titanic was was in freezing water. If the ship was sailing in normal water, when it hit the iceberg, it would just dent, and nothing serious would happen. But, since it was in freezing water, the material became more brittle, so it wasn’t stretchy enough to dent. So when it hit the iceberg, it shattered, and the boat sunk. In technology we will learn about things like that, and we will build things! I am so excited to continue!
Monthly Archives: November 2020
Final Project
I chose to do the spreadsheet for my final unit 1 project. The spreadsheet I chose was the U.S. State Data spreadsheet. In this spreadsheet, the columns are state, state abbreviations, area of the state (in square miles), and the state’s population. All of these columns are filled out for each state. I added a knew column, which was people per square mile, for each state. To do this I had to divide the population by the area by first putting an equals sign in the cell, then I clicked the cell that holds the state’s population, and the cell coordinates appear. Then I type a slash, and I click the state’s cell that has its area and that cell’s coordinates appear. Finally I press return and it calculates the state’s people per square mile. To do this to every single state, you highlight the whole column and press auto fill. Another thing I did to the spreadsheet is I sorted the state’s population Z-A. Everything I wanted to do to the spreadsheet I was able to do. So, that is what my chart shows, and here is a screenshot of it!
Spreadsheets: Wellness Log
This week, we have been continuing our work with spreadsheets. Here is a spreadsheet that I created, and a chart that I made using it:
To create this spreadsheet, I first created the rows and columns, then I wrote in my categories, (days of the week and activities) and as the week went by, I filled in however many minutes I did of each activity that day. Lastly, I created the totals of minutes I did of physical activity each day, and averages of how many minutes I did of each activity in the week.
To create a total, you don’t have to do the math yourself, you just have to use a function. The create the function, you start off with an equals sign in the text box, and click in the boxes one at a time to add them together. They should appear in the text box after the equal sign. Make sure that you type a plus sign before clicking the next box you want to add. An example of what your function might look like after doing these steps is: =C1+C2+C3+C4 Then, the last step is to press enter/return, and your total will replace that function in the cell.
Another topic a spreadsheet might be helpful for would be if you were on a diet, you could use a spreadsheet to help you keep track of how many calories you ate each day.