Last week we watched a video about automatons. They are pretty cool, but some are a little creepy. They were first displayed publicly for everyone to see, on a clock tower. But later on, a lot of them became private so that only wealthier people and people of a higher class could see them. These machines covered peoples gardens and homes. There was one specific automaton in a wealthy persons home, a royal family. This automaton was supposed to represent a perfect city, with each person doing their job. In this city, the people of lower class and regular class did all the hard work while the royals and people of a higher class sat back, relaxed, and watched. This doesn’t seem right, but this is how the automaton was made. Automatons use clockwork to run. This means that the machinery running them is much like the machinery used in clocks. Overall, the video was very interesting and taught me a lot about automatons. I think that automatons are pretty cool, and you might want to try learning about them!
Really well done.