This week we are learning about levers. Levers make hard tasks much easier. For example, a wheel barrow. With a wheel barrow you can transport objects or even liquids in large amounts at a time. Without a wheel barrow it would take a lot longer and it would be a lot harder to move all those objects. There are three different parts of a lever. The fulcrum, effort and load. Let’s use a wheel barrow for an example. The load is what you are trying to move. So in a wheel barrow’s case, the load would be whatever is in that big bucket. The effort is where something or someone is making the contraption move. Again, in a wheel barrow’s case, the effort would be where you are holding on to and pushing the handles. Lastly, the fulcrum is the pivot point that doesn’t go up or down, it just pivots everything around it. So, in a wheel barrow, the fulcrum would be the wheel. Those are the parts of a lever! I think that levers are very interesting but also complicated, so they are fun to learn about, but its a challenge!