Read Aloud Reflection – Wonder – #2

This Read Aloud Reflection in the 2nd in a series of post about the book Wonder.


A precept is a rule about a really important thing. My precept is, “If you have hope, there’s no room for hate.”

I think Auggie was getting put down by Julian. He was losing hope after he said that comment about Darth Cidius. But, at lunch, when Summer came and sat with him, he felt a lot better. I think Auggie does not want to tell his parents about Julian’s mean comment because then they might consider taking him out of school. He does not want to leave school because he just met Summer, and he wants to be friends with her. 🙂

Read Aloud Reflection – Wonder – #1

This Read Aloud Reflection is the 1st in a series of posts about the book Wonder.


I think is Wonder pretty good so far. Auggie is touring the school and is realizing some of the traits of some of the other students. Jack Will is kind of nice to him. He is telling him to not pay attention to Julian. Julian is not being nice to Auggie. He is asking Auggie what happened to his face. I think Julian is treatened by Auggie. That’s why Julian is being so mean to him. Charlotte is trying to welcome Auggie and be friendly to him. But I don’t think it’s working because she keeps talking about herself.

Welcome to 4th grade!

My 4th grade year has begun! I am feeling good about 4th grade so far. I’m off to a good start. So far, 4th grade is awesome! I have a great class. I think this is going to be my best year because a have a great teacher. I also have some of my best friends in my class. This is the first time that we’ve been in a class together! I am so lucky!


My goals for this year are to become better at all of the subjects, raise my hand whenever I can, and to put my best work into everything I do. I really need to remember to make sure that I bring the right things home for homework. I also need to remember to bring my homework in on time. Most of all, I will not give up on hard things!  Overall, I know that 4th grade will teach me a lot. I hope to complete all of my goals, and have an awesome 4th grade year.


Book Recomendation

Book: The CandyMakers and The Great Chocolate Chase

Series: The CandyMakers

Author: Wendy Mass

Recommended by: Alice Nicassio

Can you imagine living in a candy factory and going on a trip where you have to find a type of chocolate no one will tell you where it is? In the Great Chocolate Chase, by Wendy Mass, four kids have to do exactly that! Logan lives in a candy factory and recently helped Philip make the Harmonicandy. He is on the chocolate chase. Daisy is a spy, she helped with the Harmonicandy too, but Logan, Philip and Miles know she is a spy. She is also on the chocolate chase. Philip is in a rich family and loves winning, he is the person who originally came up with the Harmonicandy. He is also in the chocolate chase. Miles is a regular boy who loves nature and learning things and he helped with the Harmonicandy too. Miles is also on the chocolate chase. These kids go on a road trip to find a certain type of chocolate that they used for the original Harmonicandy. Will they find it? Will they be able to successfully launch Harmonicandy into stores? Well, you’ll have to read the book to find out!

Research Projects

In reading, we have been studying how to research. My group studied snakes. We came up with subtopics which were habitat, body parts, defense and prey. To make our research easier and more organized, we put our books in order from easiest to hardest. To find our subtopics, we looked in the books to see what topics appeared the most. Those were our subtopics. I learned to not completely copy what we saw in the book, and that I should write down my own ideas based on what I was reading. When we got all our information, we made a animal comic book! I put in some of the research from each subtopic. Then I found pictures, and made captions for them. The pictures all had snakes in them, so I made the snakes saying a fact that relates to the caption and the picture.


After this project, I took everything I leaned about research and used that in my country research project. I wanted to study Brazil, but I knew nothing about it so I needed a lot of research! To find research, I went to the library databases and did a google search at home. I found research that fit into the categories of the cultural universals which are Politics, Social Aspects, Economy, Beliefs and Cultural Arts. I put it all together to make it into a Comic Tour Guide Book titled The Cultural Universals of Brazil. My favorite part was learning about Brazil and putting it into a book in a fun way. The challenging part was organizing the pictures and captions into a good format.

Plant Post #1

My class has been learning, and experimenting with plants. We had to come up with a question to experiment with. My group decided that we would, instead of providing our plants with plain water, we would provide our plants with salt water. My hypothesis was that if we put salt in the water, then the plants would die because the salt would soak up the water. Our controlled plant has plain water, sunlight, fertilizer, soil, and two seeds. The manipulated, has salt, water, sunlight, fertilizer, soil, and two seeds.


Our controlled plant grew 3 ½ cm over the past week. The plant has always been green. Now, the plant is medium sized and is leaning a little to its side because of its weight. Before our manipulated died, the salt water made it stop growing. Our plant kept shrinking, but then it grew up to 6 cm. Our manipulated plant was green, but the stems started turning white. The plant slowly dropped lower and lower as the days went by, and eventually, the plant died and was not standing up at all.

This is a picture of our controlled plant and manipulated plant. The controlled plant is the one that is green and healthy, the manipulated is the one that is drooping a lot.

Maglev Post #3

Final maglev train that can carry 15 weights safely and efficiently across the track.

The improvement I made to my maglev train was that on the tracks, I put two more strip magnets on top of each of the strip magnets already on the tracks. I didn’t put more strip magnets, or any other type of magnets, on the train. I didn’t because in an experiment, we put two ring magnets on a pencil with the north and north facing each other so that they levitated, and when I put another magnet on the bottom, the magnet on the top levitated higher. When I put  a magnet on the top too, it remained it’s normal height.


My final track and train has two rows of strip magnets with three strip magnets on each row. On the train, there are two rows of strip magnets with one strip magnet in each row. I think this train was successful because there were more magnets on the track than on the train. The train levitated higher because the magnetic field was bigger. Since there are more magnets on the tracks, those magnets are stronger, so the train can carry more weight.


From this process, I learned that maglev trains levitate because the magnets that are used to build the train, have the same poles facing each other. I learned that if the same poles are facing each other, then the magnet on the top, levitates. I learned that in the EDP, you can’t just start building right from scratch. You have to go through the ask, imagine, and plan stages first. I learned that when you are working with a group, you have to take turns to share your ideas. If you do not take turns, then no one will hear anyone’s ideas, and you will not get anything done.

Maglev Post #2

What we did today that worked was we got the train across the track! We put two strip magnets on the edges of the track. That allowed the train to run smoothly. On the train, we put two strip magnets aligned with the strip magnets on the track. Before we tested it, we made sure that the all of the magnets had the same pole facing each other.

What we did today that failed was that the edges of the magnets on the train, attracted to the edges on the magnets on the tracks. Because of that, I learned that even the edges of the strip magnets are magnetic. To fix the error, we moved the magnets on the tracks toward the middle of the tracks a tiny bit. This aligned the magnets on the train to the magnets on the tracks perfectly!


In our next design, we are putting weights on our trains. We have to improve our train so that it works with weights on it. My goal for next session is to put more strip magnets on top of the other strip magnets on the tracks. This way, the force of the magnets on the bottom will be stronger. Hopefully, it will work and be able to hold the weights!

Maglev Post #1

A maglev train is a train that “floats” or levitates. This is possible because if you face two like poles towards each other that causes them to repel. Therefor, the magnet on the top, levitates. My group’s idea was that we could put three strip magnets on the track, and a disc magnet on each corner of the train.

What I did today that worked was that the train levitated above the tracks. This means that the magnets were facing each other the right way. What I did today that failed was that when I gave the train a little tap, it moved a little bit, but then stopped. We need to find a way to get the train all the way across the track.


My experience working with my group was good. We all did a great job of taking our turns of sharing our ideas.What was challenging for my group was agreeing on our final idea. Eventually, we came up with our idea. Overall, I think my group did a good job!

My Expert Book – 3L

This is my expert book about cats. I chose this topic because I have a cat at home so I know a lot about them.

I had to think about what I do for my cat, and what he likes and doesn’t like. Then I had to make my chapters. When I was done making my chapters, I started writing them. I thought about the facts that I needed to know to care for my cat. I figured out a way to put them into my book. For my pictures, I found pictures that matched my writing. I wrote captions that matched my pictures.

I enjoyed putting all I knew about cats into my book and finding really cute pictures! What was challenging was writing detailed captions.

I hope you learn a lot about cats from my book and that you enjoy reading it!