I think this project was very fun and I learned a lot that I did not know about my dad. I had to find time to interview my dad. After I got the answers I had to write them down in a folder which was hard and took me a long time because I had to write everything he said. Then I had to write my first blog post which was about how the interview went which was fun to do. I had to make a practice video which was great because it set me up for everything I needed to know when I was going to do my video. When I wrote my script it was fairly easy because I had it all planned out so it did not take as long as I had thought before. Then I had to do my video. I had been waiting for what felt like an eternity to finally make it. The voice-over was great because I had a lot of time to do it and it was very fun. The pictures were easy to get because there is such a big library of pictures. This video was great because it brought out a lot of my creativity and it was also pretty easy because my dad had a great memory of how he Immigrated and who he left behind in his country. This video was very fun to make because there were so many options on what to do. I really think that my dad took it very well because it was a very emotional thing and he answered with a smile on his face with a really tough heart.