Capstone Blog Post 2

The purpose of the interview was to ask questions and get answers. Then layer to listen to the interview and add notes. The research process was great at the start, but I could not find anything towards the end of the process.

I asked my parents to find me an interview and they realized that a friend from college knew someone that could get us one. Then we got one and had it. I have to say it was pretty easy in my opinion. The questions were easy to write because I had lots of ideas.

My experience with conducting an interview was great because all I had to do was record it and ask the questions. It went as expected. It went well because he answered the questions.

All in all, this was very fun.

Capstone Blog Post 1

Capstone is a project that lets you pick a topic to research and it also lets you interview as many people as you want. The person you interview is an expert on your topic. You also have a choice of how you present. You can do an Ignite, Ted talk, or a movie. After that, you have to make a video which is very fun to make because you get to choose which site you make it on, that is just a speck of the freedom this project lets you have. I feel like capstone is a great project and it lets you bring out your creativity. 

Coming up with my topic was very hard. This is because my first thought was dinosaurs, but then I realized that I always do that so I should do something different. I started thinking about what I should do. Then it hit me! I should choose a topic related to dinosaurs, such as a topic about asteroids since an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs.

It was a very hard process because there were so many questions about asteroids hitting the earth, but then I thought, what if it hits a planet other than earth. A challenge was deciding to do this because I knew it would be harder to find information, but I decided to do what I thought was more interesting. “How often do asteroids hit other planets and what is the effect of the impact on that planet”. That is my question.

The process of coming up with my sub-questions was fairly easy since I had planned them from the day I decided what my main inquiry question was. One challenge was picking the questions. This is because I had so many that I was past the limit. I had to narrow it down.

I am very excited about this project and I know it will be a fun one.


Immigration Blog Post 2

I think this project was very fun and I learned a lot that I did not know about my dad. I had to find time to interview my dad. After I got the answers I had to write them down in a folder which was hard and took me a long time because I had to write everything he said. Then I had to write my first blog post which was about how the interview went which was fun to do. I had to make a practice video which was great because it set me up for everything I needed to know when I was going to do my video. When I wrote my script it was fairly easy because I had it all planned out so it did not take as long as I had thought before. Then I had to do my video. I had been waiting for what felt like an eternity to finally make it. The voice-over was great because I had a lot of time to do it and it was very fun. The pictures were easy to get because there is such a big library of pictures. This video was great because it brought out a lot of my creativity and it was also pretty easy because my dad had a great memory of how he Immigrated and who he left behind in his country. This video was very fun to make because there were so many options on what to do. I really think that my dad took it very well because it was a very emotional thing and he answered with a smile on his face with a really tough heart.

Constitution Project Reflection

I had a lot of fun doing this project. I hope we do something like this project in the future and if we do I will be more than excited to do it.

The question I chose was “What are the benefits and consequences of Freedom of Speech” I chose this question because it sounded very interesting because it was about something that I have wanted to learn about for a long time.

A challenging part of this project was when I had to look for some resources to get my research. Another challenge was when I had to do the screencastify and make a lot of drafts to find the right one.

My overall reflection on my project was great. I successfully answered my question with little to no problems while doing it. I had lots of fun and I was never stressed. This is because the instructions were great and I knew exactly what to do from the start all the way to finish.

All in all, I had a lot of fun learning about this topic and it taught me things that at the start of 5th grade I thought I would never learn. This has been a great experience for me.