Rube Goldberg Blog Post 1

Hi my name is Alexa and I’m starting to build my Rube Goldberg project, So far I only did a quarter of my machine and luckily it worked out pretty well!

My process so far is turning out good. I just finished my sketch, and so far when I was building it I only got rid of one thing Because I saw how it could not work. I think I might need to get rid of more things later on. Since I haven’t started my project yet I don’t have many challenges but one challenge was thinking about what I should put on my sketch and I had to think about what materials I had.  I used a lot of resources like TikTok, youtube, and google.

When I started to test out a small section of my machine I quickly learned that the dominos I’ve decided to use don’t have enough strength to push over a heavy ball so I tried lighter balls but some wouldn’t balance because of how light they are.

So far the things that have been so frustrating were dominos falling over (multiply times), Not finding the right ramps, things not balancing, and light and heavy things. Some things I had to correct making a small bit of my project was the different types of balls I used.

And I also changed some ramps. Also one of my “aha” moments was when I put dominos under a ball to balance it, and when I found out what position I should put a ramp in.

In conclusion, so far I am doing good on the Rube Goldberg project and I think I am going to be really happy when I finally succeed in this project.


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