Immigration post #2: Spark video

When we were assigned the immigrant project, the sheet said we had to do a spark video as our final product. I thought, “What in the world is a ‘Spark video’?” Luckly, my question was soon answered by my computer teacher, Mr. Casal.

“Spark Video is an Adobe app that lets you make slides and automatically turns them into a movie. It also adds in music, and you can add a voiceover,” he said. For us to try this out, we were assigned to make an Adobe Spark Video about . . . our Rube Goldberg project! I am still working on mine to this day, and I have learned lots of things. For example I asked Mr. Casal, “There is no sad music on the music tab. How do I find some?” He showed me that when you mix the right theme and pictures with the music, the music can have a different meaning. After we finish our interview, we get to start our video. I am very excited to start my immigrant interview Spark video!

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