Over this weekend, I went on a hike on a trail called ”Anthony’s Nose” for about 2 hours with my family. But now that it’s Monday, it’s time to get back into the work mindset. How did I use and covert energy on the hike. Well, as I was hiking up the trail, I was exerting mechanical energy. Once we got to the top, I ate some food, giving myself chemical energy. It was very cold on the top, so I rubbed my hand together, converting the chemical energy into thermal energy. Being at the top, I had a lot of gravitational energyThen, I started to hike down, breaking the chemical bond in the food down into more mechanical energy, and some thermal energy, as I felt my body get hot. Finally, I was on the bottom.
I also hiked Anthony’s Nose recently! How great is the view from the top?!
Ms. Holtzer