June 19

Blog post 7-Reflecting on presenting in front of parents

My experience when presenting for the parents was a good experience for me. I felt comfortable when I presented.


I felt comfortable when I was presenting because I decided to not follow my script, and I engaged the audience more. I first asked if people know what AI is, and a lot of people didn’t know, so I decided to create more of a basic structure so that people can understand my project. If a lot of people knew what AI was, I would go into more of the techs parts, without explaining it in a basic manner. I asked the audience more Heston’s which made them feel included, and made me feel more comfortable. The structure of my presentation pleased me, and made me feel natural when I was presenting.


Overall, I was very happy with how I presented, and I look forward to these types of knowledgeable presentations in the future. Here is my performance of my capstone project:

June 15

Blog post 6-working on my final project

My experience well working on my final project is hard to explain. I didn’t feel that pressurized, but when I looked at the sheet of when it was due, I did. I wanted to memorize it so well that I would 100 percent not fail, but later I developed a new strategy that I would have a general idea of what I was going to speak about on the slide, and because I personally went through the experience of research, and I am very informed about what I want to talk about, so I can improvise a little bit. This strategy made me feel every confident about my success rate, and made me focus more.


I also felt motivated by the means of how the project commenced, and how i get to share my knowledge with other people. I feel like this is my chance to share what I know, and be me, without so many guidelines. I love talking and presenting, so being able to geek out about technology, with a lot of speaking and in a presenting format, was a great experience for me. I feel very motivated and I love how the teachers conducted this project.


This is all I experienced. I developed a strategy that really helped me, and I am very excited to share my knowledge with other people.

June 6

Main Inquiry Essay


How Has Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)  

Revolutionized Healthcare, and

How Will A.I. Continue to Improve Healthcare?


Simply put, artificial intelligence (A.I.) is a machine learning system that is able to adapt and learn all by itself. AI is incredible. Now, because AI is such an advanced platform, there are so many uses. One of the ways that AI is used is for healthcare is image processing technology, which has improved diagnosis in healthcare. Another way AI has revolutionized healthcare is through an app called Sugar IQ, which helped patients with Diabetes through deep learning. But finding ways that AI can help healthcare are ongoing. A way that AI is contributing to the future is by that diagnosis is becoming more efficient, which means we can diagnose more problems, diseases, and people.


How AI uses Image Processing Technology, to improve Healthcare


One way AI is revolutionizing healthcare is through image processing technology. Image processing technology is one of the things ran by a system called a neural network. Image processing technology has improved healthcare by having research data that is critical to diagnosing patients. Here are several examples of how image processing technology is being used to diagnose medical symptoms:


  • Neural Network Review of X-Rays: After a patient has an x-ray taken, the film is scanned through a neural network machine, and the neural network software assesses the results of the X-Ray.
  • Facial recognition software: Facial recognition software is being used to diagnose harder-to-find symptoms. For example, diagnosing genetic disorders. It uses a machine learning algorithm to complete this, which means in other words that the
  • Chatbots: Companies are using AI-chatbots with speech recognition to identify patterns in patient symptoms. This helps form a potential diagnosis.


How AI, Through Sugar IQ, Has Improved Healthcare:

Sugar IQ:

Sugar IQ is an application that is designed to keep people’s glucose sugar levels level. (This app is just for diabetic patients) The app also helps you figure out the snacks that are challenging for your blue one levels based on hardware technology called the Guardian CGM Connect. The Guardian CGM connect is a tiny device that you tape to yourself, and every 5 minutes it inducts such a small needle into your body, that you can’t even feel it. The device then uses data that you insert about what you have eaten, then, the AI kicks in. The AI processes what you have eaten, and learns about how your body developed overtime. Then, the AI software recommends what food for you to eat, to the point to keeping your sugar glucose levels at a normal rate. Sugar IQ is revolutionizing people with diabetes through deep learning.


How AI has diagnosed problems in Healthcare:

Watson is IBM’s machine learning platform for AI. Watson’s first project was trying to use AI to detect cancer. For Watson to do this for the first time, it took 3 years. For the second type of cancer, it took 1 year. A big improvement. The third type which is where Watson is right now, took 4 months. Overtime, Watson adapted and got faster at detecting cancer, because it developed new ways to identify, and diagnose cancer.

How Will AI Impact healthcare In the Future:

Diagnosis is the future of AI. It is developing a fast rate. I mean so fast. Diagnosis is a big part of healthcare, and now since healthcare has many more problems, the AI is discovering how to diagnose more diseases and problems, based on the fact that there are more problems that are developing.


These two reasons show how AI has revolutionized healthcare, and the example of how we can improve AI in the future shows how we can contribute to a brighter future. AI has made such an impact on the world in general, and in healthcare. Who knows, maybe one day your life can change due to AI.