Unique facts:
Earth is about 70% covered by water. Scientists divide zones into sections based on how deep they are.The photic zone is the first zone in the ocean. It is where plants, jellyfish, and small fish live. Plants can only grow in the photic zone because they don’t get enough sunlight in the other deeper zones. It is about 150 feet deep in the ocean. Jellyfish live in all zones. They can survive and kill huge animals with their deadly stingers. They kill whales, dolphins, and even sometimes sharks! The Aphiotic zone right beneath the photic zone. The zone is the most expanded zone of the ocean. It has bigger fish, small fish, Jellyfish, sharks at the bottom of the zone, dolphins, sea otters, ext. Floating plants live in this zone. Floating plants are plants that float in the ocean instead of live on a rock like normal plats do. They make food by trapping sunlight and use it in a process called photosynthesis.
Plants are the oceans producers. They are different than the normal producers on land. Insted of taking in sunglight they trap sunglight and insert it into their leaves. They don’t have proper stems or roots. They do use photosynthisis though. Plants like alge, Plankton, and coral are producers.
Coral rely on rocks and animals. They even insert themselves on an animal and dig their roots into the animal! After they die, their skeetons still exist. When their stilll dead they still have some sunglight is still trapped inside their skeletons and they use the sunglight again and regrow themselves and come alive again!
Their are more than 400 species of sharks live in the ocean. Some are huge but harmless, other are small and really fast. Others are really deadly and will eat whatever is in their path. Sharks even sometimes feed on other sharks when they see them. Sharks are at the top of their food chain. They are the most domaninte animals in the ocean. Whale sharks are the biggest sharks in the ocean but they only eat plankton. Other sharks like the hammerhead are very big, quick and dangerous. They eat seals, dolphins, nad a ton of other sharks. Bottlenosed dolphins are the fastest dolphins in the ocean. They swim 18 mph on avrage! They are very hard to catch because they can easily swim away when other consumers are trying to catch them. They make a special noise that is used to hunt, and communacate. Bottlenosed dolphins hunt in groups and they are very smart hunters. They feed on small fish, even on other sharks. They just each take a bite intil the shark is dead. They hunt a lot on whlae sharks because they are pretty much defenceless. Orca dolphins hunt huge animals, they love the whale sharks.
The deepest zone in the ocean is like a whole nother world. N 1860, don walsh went down to the very bottom of the ocean in asumberine and the trip took 5 hours to get to the ocean floor! That is a very long time. The animals are aton different then the other oecan animals. They look so weird and they have different color spots on their bodys and they light up at night. The light that they produce is called Biomossimence.
Biomossimence is light that the deep creatures of the ocean produce. The light that they produce is actuly energy! The energy can be very useful in the future scientests say. It can be used insted of the smoke form factories that we proudce, The burning of coal can stop and we can use Biomossimence insted.
Decomposers are very important in the ocean because they break up dead animals and plantzs. Without them the ocean would be filled with dead bodies and the anials will have nowhere to swim. Many people hate decomposers because they are what make us sick such as bactireia and fungi. Deocmposers break up the dead bodies of the animals and then the nutrience from the animals goes back into the ocean floor and then plants use the nutrience and make food for themselves through a process called photosynthisis. The oceans deocmposers are coean owrms, bactirea and fungi.
Humans impact:
Humans have a huge impact on the ocean. Most humans don’t even reilize what they have been doing to the ocean. Humans have been littering into the ocean and a ton of animals die. Poeple are so careless about littering bads. People just don’t decide to hold their bags until thay find a trash can. They just throw them on the floor and then to travels into the ocan and kills tons of animals. For example, Scinetest looked at a dead fish body and they saw a ton of plastic bags and cans and a ton of plastic waterbottles. That is really bad. It also makes it worse for us to because all the trash smells really bad.
Ways we can improve our impact on these animals:
We can throw our food in the trash to stop the littring that we produce. Also, we can use reusable bags and use real watterbottles and food containers so we don’t litter as much as we do compared to suing plastic and paper. This nwe meathod id called reuse, reduce, and recycle! If evry one perosn odes their job at a time than we can make ou rworld a ton better. Their won’t be as much small and killing of animals in the ocean, and we won’t need to waist plastic bags and all of the metal that we use normally.