It’s year in tech has been fun. My favorite project was the laser cutting. I liked it because i thought it was cool how it cuts perfect shapes. My favorite tool was the scroll saw. My favorite activity was probably when we did the escape room.
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Blog post 7
For my laser cutting project i have decided to do the giants logo because the knicks would take to much time. I chose this because i love the giants. Mr Calvert had a cool idea that i would cut different layers so it would look like its popping out. I think it will look really cool once I’m done.
Tech Blog post 6
Next week we will be using the laser cutter. The laser is so hop it burns through wood to cut out different shapes. I made a banner. On the banner i made it say my name. For my next logo I’m thinking about doing a logo of sport teams. I might do the knicks. I thought this project was cool.
Tech Blog post 5 flash light
This week in tech i made a flash light. The assignment was to make a water proof flash light for a soccer team that was stuck in a cave. It had to be water proof because the cave had a lot of water in it. The kids did not know how to swim and the cave was really dark. Overall i thought this project was fun and interesting. This is my final project.
Blog post 4 light switch
This week i finished light switch project. I thought it was very fun. I learned how to make a light bulb work. I also learned that tinfoil on tinfoil makes power to make the light light up. I thought it was cool seeing everyone’s ideas when we shared them some of them were really cool. A picture of mine are below.
Blog post 3 jewlery project
This week i finished my jewelry project. I chose this design because it was for my mom and her friends call her SA. The step that I did for this was 1 i thought of designs to make. 2 i chose one of the designs that i made i chose Sa. 3 i started to make the design with metal wire. 4 i sottered the pieces of medal. Then i was done. This was my final project.
Tech post 2
Today in class we learned about how a light bulb works. This picture shows an example of what i did. I put batteries connected to wires connected to the lightbulb. The reason there’s a fire is because there is so much power. Overall i liked this lesson.
Tech post one.
What I am looking forward to in tech this year is using the power tools because they Are cool. Another thing I’m looking forward to in tech this year is making projects.
One session I liked that we already did was break out I liked this because I liked working together with my classmates. Another session I liked was the atoms session. I liked this because I thought it was interesting learning about space and chemicals.
Capstone blog post #2 (the interview)
Last Thursday I interviewed Dave Duke, the basketball coach at Adelphi University. I interviewed him because I heard he is a great coach who uses the 3 point shot in his offense a lot. In fact, he told me that he models his offense just like the Golden State Warriors (the best 3 point shooting team in the NBA). I was really excited to interview him and understand how he uses the 3 point line. We spent time talking about his team and strategies for offense and defense.
The process of finding someone to interview was easy because my dad thought of his friend who has a brother who coaches at the college level. It was made even better when I realized that he loves the 3 point line and models his offense off the Golden State Warriors.
Coach Dave was really nice and had a ton of information about the game. He explained stats and how he uses analytics to make his team better. I didn’t even know what analytics were, but it has become such an important part of coaching. He talked a lot about why he depends on the 3 point line as much as he does and how the regular 2 point jump shot is just not as important as it used to be.
Overall the interview went great and it was really fun!
rube Goldberg Blog post #1
At first I had trouble thinking of what to do, but then after watching videos of other students I finally came up with an idea. The biggest challenge was making it successful. Also it was hard to find a way to use 3 simple machines. We had an inclined plane, lever and wheel and axle. Our wheel and axle was a toy car but while we were testing it before we videoed it, it wouldn’t work so we used a battery instead. what was was very frustrating is that my mom didn’t video the first success which was very upsetting because it took us a long time to do it after.