Today we made our final sketch. We were happy with how it turned out as. We thought it was clear and nice. It was hard making the final sketch, before we made the sketch of the Rube Goldberg Machine we needed to figure out what it was going to do. We thought to two things, was it going to flip to the first page of a book or was it going to drop candy in a box. We thought of witch one would be more helpful and that’s how we decided that it was going to drop candy in a box. With that conclusion, it was easier to think of how it was going to do it. Once we got eight steps we tried to brainstorm for things that can add more steps like a zip line and stuff like that. We all were happy that we got to finish our sketch and how it was going to work.
I like how at the beginning you expressed your feelings. I also think that your choice of words were very impressive. Like when you said, “With that conclusion.” It was also cool how you were talking about how you had trouble finding a task. The only thing I think you should do is talk about some of the steps that you drew in the sketch. Good job on your first 3 posts!