Capstone blog post

This project I am going to be having my capstone project. This project is meant to warp up my six years at Heathcote by having a big project. A capstone is when you research any topic you want. After you pick a topic you have to research the topic. When I start to do my research I am going to search on the web on my topic read book but also we are required to interview any adult of choice that knows a thing or two on the topic and that is another way to get our information. Overall I am excited about the project but I will say I am a little bit worried about having to talk in front of everybody I will say I am improving my feeling about it.

When I went into this project I had no idea what was going to happen because I have no older brother so I was never told what it was. After I was explained what we are doing I decided to pick the second congo war. Although I picked this topic it was not easy to decide. I knew at the start I did not want to pick a papular topic like WW11 but I was open to doing it on wars because these are important topics. When I was picking my topic I also wanted to pick a topic that was not the most well know. I looked up wars on ` google and I got a big list of wars. After looking at the list I remember seeing a war called the second congo war and I thought this was a joke as in the dance the “Congo” and that’s what other people thought too but when I looked deeper inside it I saw it was a big topic and had 5.4 million die what is in the top 15 war with the most deaths. After hearing that it inte me to do the Second Congo War impose on other topics.

After I knew what my topic was going to be I had to come up with my main inquiry questions which were challenging but in a good way. The main reason why it was hard was that I had known nothing about the second congo war so I had to do some pre-research to understand a thing or two about the second congo. After I did some research I came up with the question “How did the second congo war impact the people of congo and how have they responded” overall I was very satisfied with the question

When I was coming up with these questions I thought they had some challenges but it was not as challenging as the other challenging. When I was coming up with these I just sat down and brained stormed. Two examples f my questions were “ how did the war start” and “how have most people died from this deadly war” overall I found this pretty easy.

Overall this project is going well. I can not wait to proceed and do more research, but most of all I can not wait to present to presentation.

Immigration Interview

This project is very interesting. It contains me having to choose and person I want that is willing to take the time for me to interview for the immigration project. After they agreed I would have to come up with 20 questions and then out of the 20 of them I would have to pick ten to 15 0f them. Then I would interview them and make a video around their answers. Overall so far the project has been great.

When I was making this list I did not just make a list of random questions and instead would take a lot of time coming up with them. When coming up with them I would have to make them all open-ended questions because without them being open ended then I would not be able to get all the information that I need. Also in information is very interesting and without them being open-end the only answers I would get is yes or no. Also, a useful way of getting open-ended questions is to simply just say why at the end of the question so if at first the question is not the open end I would just say why or explain. In my opinion, resources are not needed for getting your questions but when you are stuck and can not come up with a question take a mental break or ask someone for advice.

So far I thought that the interview was the best part of the project. Because it was hard for me to meet up with my interviewee I had to call which was as good. About 30 minutes after school, I called her on my phone making sure I was already because I did not want to waste their time or mine.I told her what I was doing again just to refresh her because I told her in advance and basically just started reading them off. One thing that I think is important is to make sure that you are saying it in a nice way because first of all this topic in some cases could be sensitive an also there taking the time for you so you want to say everything in a nice tone. One of the most interesting things that I learned was that at the time you were only allowed to bring anything under 2000 rubles which meant they had to give away most of their expense items but days before they were told that their dog was Russian property which meant they were not allowed to bring it with them so they had to sneak him with them when on the train he did not know what happened and where he was so he barked which lots of noise and almost got caught but luckily they got to Allen town Pennsylvania safe and sound

In conclusion, this project has been going great so far and I can not wait to continue the rest of the project.