Commenting Guidelines
We would love to read your comments on our posts! Please take the time to leave us a comment. Commenting on a post is as easy as this:
- Click on the heading of the post you wish to comment on.
- Scroll down until you can see the “Leave a reply” section.
- You will be asked for your name (only use your first name) and email address (the email address is optional and will not be published).
- You will also need to write the “spam word” in the anti-spam box.
- Click “Submit comment”.
- Your comment will not appear immediately, as it will first need to be moderated. If your comment is okay, it will appear on the blog very soon.
How to write a good comment:
- Always use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation in your comment (no “text talk”, please!).
- Compliment the writer in a specific way, or ask a question, or add some information to the post.
- Write a relevant comment about the post.
- Do not reveal any personal information about yourself in your comment.
- Always reread your comment and edit it if necessary before submitting it.
- Remember: before you speak, T.H.I.N.K: True.Helpful.Inspiring.Necessary. Kind.
Commenting guidelines adapted from Kathleen Morris and Kelly Jordan’s work.