Rube Goldberg Blog Post 2

During the last two months, I have been doing A Rube Goldberg project at school. A Rube Goldberg Machine is A Machine that performs an easy task with a complex machine. My Rube Goldberg machine makes a car go into a drawer.

My overall experience was that the project is that the drawing was the easiest part because we just had to draw what we thought would work but in real life, it did not go that smoothly. I had to make a lot of changes like changing the marble to a tennis ball and much more.

Something that I learned about making a Rube Goldberg is to not give up because finally, your design will work and it makes you feel very. One thing that I also learned is that the Rube Goldberg Project takes a lot of trial and error.

The Wevideo was hard at first but when I uploaded all the videos and started to get the hang of it it got much easier.

In conclusion, I think that this taught me a lot and I’m very happy I did the project.


Here’s my video:



Designer of the project – camilla

Rube Goldberg Blog Post One

Do you know what a Rube Goldberg machine is? Well if you don’t a Rube Goldberg machine is a machine that does an easy task but has a lot of steps in it. Making a Rube Goldberg machine is not easy I should know.

One of the most difficult challenges for the process of building it was setting up the dominos so that it does not fall down because trying to set it up without it shaking was so hard. Another challenge for me was coming up with the idea so that it would be interesting and original that people would be interested to watch.

For me, the process was long and hard because it took a lot of time and had a lot of steps in it. Some of the resources I used for this project were things like a marble, cars, car tracks, basketball, tube.

Something that has frustrated me is that it took so long and so many mistakes just to build the Rube Goldberg Machine but it will be really good in the end.

Some revisions I made to my design were to change the car to a marble but I think that I will definitely make more changes with more test runs throughout my Rube Goldberg Machine.

In conclusion, I think that the Rube Goldberg project has hard parts and easy parts but I am happy to be learning so many more things about simple machines and more.