April 2019 archive

Colonial America – pt 3 – Finish Entry

So in school we have been creating our colonies with cardboard and clay, and we finished it. Whoo-hoo! We are all very happy and relived that we finished on time.In our imaginary world, my character(Ebony), has been writing a crazy amount in her diary. She has one entry about finishing putting up Rockwood(our colony). It goes something like this:

Rockwood outskirts, Whale house

Ebony Stark

From here atop the whale house I can see my finished colony. Yep, I said it, were done. It’s been hard work but everything is up and running. We’re finished, the little ones have a school to go to. everyone has a house, a church, three meals and a job. The only problem are the roads. They are made of dry grass and dust, and they keep blowing away. I suppose the people of rockwood will get to it, because they really have nothing to do tomorrow, except looking over the top of the whale house to admire Rockwood. I should be going to sort out the day, because it’s almost 7:00, in the morning. I tie my hair up and get to work.

Yeah, she’s pretty spunky.

Vacation – to Vail, Colorado

It’s spring break. Almost the end of them year. I’m going up to Vail to ski, but I don’t want to. Spring break is when the trees get their leaves back and I don’t want to miss it. But one tiny little part of me tells my brain that I should be happy.

Okay, I’m back. It’s the last day in Vail and I was wrong. IT WAS SO FUN. I really loved the ski trails and the mountain itself. Below the mountain is the tiny town of Vail. It’s very cute but the food is not the best, except for a particular sushi restaurant in the center of the town, which was amazing. Also, the town has some awesome stores and stuff like that. I think I have gotten better at skiing. Correction; I HAVE gotten better at skiing. I recommend this place to you whoever you are, and do not underestimate your vacation!


Today we have to make up some poetry. I am going to tell you some, but it will not be in its best form because this interface does a double enter when I press the return key! so here is one of my more happy poems that I came up with:

Passing by in the window seat. See the fields and the city. The cows and the trucks. I wait for arrival. But I realize later that the drive is more interesting than the thing we are going to.

That poem was called, “Window Seat” and I came up with that because I sometimes have to go on really long drives, and I think the scenery is very beautiful. I came up with more poems,, but those, well, are way to dark to put on this blog.

I have been playing around with different fonts on Google Docs lately. Fonts are a way to make poems better and more personalized, so I’ve have been using many many many fonts do do each poem. One that I really like is called, “Indie flower”. I like it because it’s like my handwriting, and it is very pretty (not saying my handwriting is). Here is another poem:

153. Every +. Every – equals pancakes on the roof. 145. Every *. Every / equals blue apples and red cats. What can I do. Every number, every thing equals another thing. When will it end.

That poem, I don’t know what to call it. Maybe, “5 x 6 = pancake” or something. I have always wondered how and why math turns out that way. There is no “what ifs” in math, no “It doesn’t make sense,” But, my brain tells me I can do it and understand it.

Poem About Poems

The most important thing about poem is this is a poem

There are stanzas, rhyming, and anything really.

But the most important thing about a poem is this is a poem

This poem is based off “The Important Book”.  An awesome book with lots of poems.