April 9th 2019 archive


Today we have to make up some poetry. I am going to tell you some, but it will not be in its best form because this interface does a double enter when I press the return key! so here is one of my more happy poems that I came up with:

Passing by in the window seat. See the fields and the city. The cows and the trucks. I wait for arrival. But I realize later that the drive is more interesting than the thing we are going to.

That poem was called, “Window Seat” and I came up with that because I sometimes have to go on really long drives, and I think the scenery is very beautiful. I came up with more poems,, but those, well, are way to dark to put on this blog.

I have been playing around with different fonts on Google Docs lately. Fonts are a way to make poems better and more personalized, so I’ve have been using many many many fonts do do each poem. One that I really like is called, “Indie flower”. I like it because it’s like my handwriting, and it is very pretty (not saying my handwriting is). Here is another poem:

153. Every +. Every – equals pancakes on the roof. 145. Every *. Every / equals blue apples and red cats. What can I do. Every number, every thing equals another thing. When will it end.

That poem, I don’t know what to call it. Maybe, “5 x 6 = pancake” or something. I have always wondered how and why math turns out that way. There is no “what ifs” in math, no “It doesn’t make sense,” But, my brain tells me I can do it and understand it.