April 23rd 2019 archive

Colonial America – pt 3 – Finish Entry

So in school we have been creating our colonies with cardboard and clay, and we finished it. Whoo-hoo! We are all very happy and relived that we finished on time.In our imaginary world, my character(Ebony), has been writing a crazy amount in her diary. She has one entry about finishing putting up Rockwood(our colony). It goes something like this:

Rockwood outskirts, Whale house

Ebony Stark

From here atop the whale house I can see my finished colony. Yep, I said it, were done. It’s been hard work but everything is up and running. We’re finished, the little ones have a school to go to. everyone has a house, a church, three meals and a job. The only problem are the roads. They are made of dry grass and dust, and they keep blowing away. I suppose the people of rockwood will get to it, because they really have nothing to do tomorrow, except looking over the top of the whale house to admire Rockwood. I should be going to sort out the day, because it’s almost 7:00, in the morning. I tie my hair up and get to work.

Yeah, she’s pretty spunky.