May 10th 2019 archive

Colonial America – pt 5 – The story

We are going to go to the future in Ebony’s story. Now she’s very old, and is telling her great niece about the story of her life:

I’ve had a long life. I do not keep track of my age anymore. I have no successor, but I know I will live longer. When I was youngI went to boarding school, dressed up as a boy so I could continue my passions. I tried many jobs, including being on the council of elders of my town and working in a law firm. All of them I got kicked out of because I was a girl. I wanted to create a community where girls could do the same things as boys could. So I spent all of my savings and came on The Crown to the new world. I was young, carefree, when I became the governor of Rockwood. The king probably chose me the way he always does, with the sealed box you can’t open until you reach the new land. I was the only one on the boat with experience. We docked in the morning. I knew the land where we had docked was the perfect place to live, it was in a big field. There was forest, an overflowing pond, and mountains. When we got to work, I felt I had to work too. Leaders like his highness, never lifted a finger to help build their empire, but I wanted to be different. So I l went to work, and I made friends, more than I ever had in England. I met a doctor, named Eshal. I met a school teacher and priest, Silvia. But the work was hard. I saw barely any woman chopping down trees or sawing the hardwood. It made me sad. After awhile the work turned from hard too easy. We were going faster. I remember when Eshal showed me to my house, a giant room atop the meeting house. But work was stopped when there was a horrid blizzard. It tore a hole in our colony, not just the buildings and people, but in our souls too. I lost some of my element of being carefree, but in my diary, in my heart, I still was me. A few months passed, and our colony was on the ball again. We made our charter, a beautiful thing. We hung it up in the meetinghouse. I look at it till this day, smiling whenever I go by it. We had a big party. That night I looked over our colony. My second stage of life was done.

But there was more to do. Now that we had completed the colony, we needed to find a better way to get the stuff we needed. We didn’t have enough grain, or starch. I reached out to the colony of New Foursten. We started to trade. I met their governor, Bella, and her successor, Emma. I am good friends with them, up until this day. Then it happened. The quartering act. English troops stormed into the houses of colonists took their food and water. They said they were here to protect us from the natives. They would stay in their houses, sleep in their beds, and make them wash his coat. Then the Stamp act happened, that whole thing. That led to the Boston massacre, tarring and feathering and that. I remember one night I was visiting Boston, to drop off some fish. Suddenly, I heard shouting. I stopped. I looked over at the harbor. There were hundreds of rowboats heading in the direction of a few British tea ships. There was a woman standing at the harbor. I asked her what was going on. She said the people in the rowboats were going to dump the tea of of the ships. She also said she was a daughter of liberty, and she let me into her boat to go see it happen. They did it so quickly, they even swept the decks after. They called it the Boston tea party. But Parlament got mad, and created the intolerable acts. Everyone got really ticked off and started to riot. This was bad. But I couldn’t do anything. This made me angry. My people, getting babysitted, taxed and having to give up their homes, and I couldn’t do anything! Also, Silvia was accused of stealing bread, then went to jail with no trial. Did you hear that? No trial. The British didn’t tell me. Instead, they told Eshal, my second in command. I couldn’t  believe it. Then the war broke out, the declaration of independence was made. I watched over the war for many years. There has only been a few fights in Rockwood. I can’t say much, the thought of bloodshed makes me shiver. Soon the war came to an end. America had won. Now I am an old lady, but still me. Now YOU, little one have to choose where you want to go, and who you want to be.