June 2019 archive

Goodbye School year 2018-2019!!!!

It’s been a long year. I’ve come a long way from those silly posts I made in October. It’s the last full day of school, and I am sad to leave school, but happy to go to camp. I will miss everyone in my class. *sniff*, I’m getting emotional.

I won’t be as active with my posts but I will try to post whenever I can.

HAGS! (have a great summer) to all students!!!!

Colonial America – pt 7 – Refletion

We are waving the colonial america unit goodbye after two long months of hard work. My teacher wanted us to wright a reflection of the unit, so here it is:

So, it’s pretty awesome being another person. Like, I thought this unit was going to be trash, but it wasn’t. A few weeks into the process, we were assigned colonies. I got put into a new England colony (this was fake), called Rockwood.

Then we became our colonists. I was wanting to be someone strong, calm and a little bit lazy; carefree. So I created Ebony, the governor of Rockwood. Ebony had a hard life back in England, but got to america and everything changed. She became loved and strong. I really loved impersonating someone because I always want to get out of my life and like, become someone else. Leaving my life and going back in time to put my spirit into someone and BE them. Ebony is the person I would want to be in that time young, spirited, and strong.

Ebony (Lusha) Stark has been through a lot. Like, A LOT. The boat ride, to her colony, was treacherous. Then she faced a hard winter while building the colony. Then her best friend got thrown in jail without a trial. So much more happened to her, but she managed through it. Each blow she took I took too, it was like her and my body were connected. I felt her pain and glory. Everything, she and I went through it all. I never really thought that she is a different person then me.

So, now let’s get to the process. We had to make ALL these relics, Ebony’s diary, her letters, her newspaper her stamps her EVERYTHING. Then we made a book out of it. I also wrote her life story, then turned it into an ignite. ignite is a 145 seconds presentation, with the slide advancing every 15 seconds. This was SO STRESSFUL and to be honest I HATED IT. but like yeah I had to do it. So, after we got that sorted out we did toy theaters. You could be placed in the french and Indian war, the stamp act, the Boston massacre, the Boston tea party, the midnight ride, and the declaration of independence. I was placed in the Boston Tea party. We created a script, puppets, a perciniam, and senses. It was all REALLY stressful, and I wish I didn’t have to do it. But I must admit, it was a good experience. So, I am really happy with this project, I love Ebony, and I give this unit a thumbs up!!!!

Intro to heredity

Hi guys!!! So, we have been doing some end of year stuffs and we did a like a On-demand essay on anything. here it is:

Intro to Heredity with Claire Breslow

So, let’s say you have blue eyes, but…. your mom and dad have brown eyes. So, where did you get your blue eyes? This is where heredity comes in. Heredity is the genes that get passed down from family member to family member, but you are going to need a bit of a scientific background on this. Let’s get started.

Cells are the smallest living organism you can find. There are unicellular living things, which have only one cell, but there are multicellular living things too, with multiple cells. You, for example, are multicellular. In a cell, there’s a nucleus, which is like that cells headquarters. In a nucleus, there is DNA. DNA is basically the code for our genetics. DNA is tightly packed, VERY tightly packed, into things called chromosomes. Chromosomes are made of DNA, and they usually look like an X, but you can never be sure. Each half of a chromosome is called a chromatid. Each part of a chromosome makes up some of your genes, and that is where we will begin.

Let’s use something simple for you to understand. Earlobes. There are two types of earlobes, attached, and free. The free earlobe, is dominant, meaning only one piece of DNA has to be preset for the trait to show. But attached earlobes are recessive, so two of them have to be present for the trait to show. We can represent free earlobes with a capital E, and attached, with a lowercase e. So, if you have attached earlobes, you would be represented with ee. But, if you have free earlobes, you can be EE, or Ee, because as I said, the dominant trait can be shown, even if only on is present.

Okay, now that you know the basics of heredity, we can get a little more advanced. Here’s the question, how can you tell what gene a baby will have. (We are still using earlobes) So, let’s say, one parent has free earlobes, EE. But the other parent, has Ee. So what will their baby be? Let’s find out. Draw a square on a piece of paper. Then you divide the square into four parts. You put the Ee parent on the top, and the EE parent on the left side. Put the Ee parents E on top of the top left square. Then put that parents e on top of the top right square. Then put EE parent’s first E on the left side of the top left square, and do the same to the other E on the bottom left square. Whoof, that was confusing. Now see if you can follow me here. Line each of the e’s up in each the squares. So, the top left square should have EE,and the bottom left square also has EE, but the top right square has Ee, and the bottom right square also says Ee. Now you know that there is a 50% chance that the baby is EE, and a 50% chance it will be Ee. So, no matter what, the baby will have free earlobes. This method is called a punnet square, and it is very helpful.

Now, you know some stuff about heredity, but this is just the Need To Know facts. Heredity is a SUPER LARGE field and you should keep on studying. Just saying the Ameba Sisters biology videos got me hooked on heredity and made me know everything that I am telling you now. So, KEEP CALM AND TRACK YOUR TRAITS!!!

Passion project

Hi guys!! In school, we are doing one of the final projects of the year. It’s called a passion project. You get to choose anything, from Piccaso to mars, and do a big presentation about it! You can do a gallery, slideshow, ted talk, poster, posters, or really anything you want!!!!

I’m doing the basics of Atoms in a ted talk. Why you may ask? Okay, I thought it would be cool to do something more science like and something I knew nothing about. Do you want to see the script for my ted talk? Here it is:

Everything in the world, your clothes, the food you ate yesterday, you, as in you watching this ted talk, my wonderful teacher, my wonderful teacher’s cat, all of us, abiotic and biotic, we all are made of the same thing. It’s an atom. A-T-O-M.  Tiny little circles that make up everything.

99.99999999999% of an atom is empty space, and they are 100 picometers long, otherwise known as a ten billionth of a meter. In the center of the atom there is the nucleus. It’s made up of two nucleons, particles. First off there are Neutrons. Neutrons have no charge, none at all. They are also pretty big. They are ALWAYS in the nucleus, and there are usually many of them. So, to determine the number of neutrons in atom, you only have to subtract the number of protons from the mass number. (the mass of an atom of a chemical element expressed in atomic mass units). Each atom has a similar number of neutrons. Neutrons were discovered in 1932, by James Chadwick. These are very important and a atom wouldn’t be an atom without a Neutron.

Then there are protons, Protons are also nucleons, and they were discovered in 1920, by Ernest Rutherford. Protons are bonded (held together) to Neutrons by a force called the nuclear force. This force is SUPERSTRONG, and is SUPERHARD to break. Also, protons have a positive charge, a positive charge of ONE. (from the charge of the quarks that make up nucleons). They are pretty huge, about the same size as a neutrons, and also like neutrons, are critical to the atom, and no atom, not copper, not oxygen, not carbon, no atom in the periodic table is complete without a proton. I should actually say nucleon, because it’s also true that no element has 0 neutrons ether.

Then there are electrons, and they have a negative charge. Electrons were discovered in the year 1897, by someone named J.J Thomson. They are tiny, WAY tinier than a proton or neutron, and they are not nucleons. Yep, I said it, they are definitely not nucleons. They go around the atom on orbitals, 1s, 2s, 2p, and 3s. These “orbitals” are made from the density of the one or more electrons that spin around the nucleus.  The electromagnetic force causes this spinning to happen. Lemme tell you about it. Since protons have a positive charge, and electrons have a negative charge, they attract and repel each other, creating the spinning. The spinning, is ULTRAFAST, 1/137 of the speed of light! Which for your information, is WAY faster than the speed of sound. So the atoms in you are orbiting faster than my words are reaching your ear. Isn’t that  super neat?

Atoms are VERYIMPORTANT and VERYCRITICAL to our existence. Every type of atom, whether it’s helium or carbon is important, very important. As I speak, Scientists are discovering more atoms and more materials. But they aren’t going as fast as they can. They need, WE NEED more people to help find more types of atoms and unlock more parts of the physics world. Elements are waiting for you to discover. I hope you learned something, because this is important, and it’s not going fast enough, and someone needs to step up and do something, if anyone, it’s YOU!

I really hope you didn’t find that boring. Anyways, thats it.