June 21st 2019 archive

Goodbye School year 2018-2019!!!!

It’s been a long year. I’ve come a long way from those silly posts I made in October. It’s the last full day of school, and I am sad to leave school, but happy to go to camp. I will miss everyone in my class. *sniff*, I’m getting emotional.

I won’t be as active with my posts but I will try to post whenever I can.

HAGS! (have a great summer) to all students!!!!

Colonial America – pt 7 – Refletion

We are waving the colonial america unit goodbye after two long months of hard work. My teacher wanted us to wright a reflection of the unit, so here it is:

So, it’s pretty awesome being another person. Like, I thought this unit was going to be trash, but it wasn’t. A few weeks into the process, we were assigned colonies. I got put into a new England colony (this was fake), called Rockwood.

Then we became our colonists. I was wanting to be someone strong, calm and a little bit lazy; carefree. So I created Ebony, the governor of Rockwood. Ebony had a hard life back in England, but got to america and everything changed. She became loved and strong. I really loved impersonating someone because I always want to get out of my life and like, become someone else. Leaving my life and going back in time to put my spirit into someone and BE them. Ebony is the person I would want to be in that time young, spirited, and strong.

Ebony (Lusha) Stark has been through a lot. Like, A LOT. The boat ride, to her colony, was treacherous. Then she faced a hard winter while building the colony. Then her best friend got thrown in jail without a trial. So much more happened to her, but she managed through it. Each blow she took I took too, it was like her and my body were connected. I felt her pain and glory. Everything, she and I went through it all. I never really thought that she is a different person then me.

So, now let’s get to the process. We had to make ALL these relics, Ebony’s diary, her letters, her newspaper her stamps her EVERYTHING. Then we made a book out of it. I also wrote her life story, then turned it into an ignite. ignite is a 145 seconds presentation, with the slide advancing every 15 seconds. This was SO STRESSFUL and to be honest I HATED IT. but like yeah I had to do it. So, after we got that sorted out we did toy theaters. You could be placed in the french and Indian war, the stamp act, the Boston massacre, the Boston tea party, the midnight ride, and the declaration of independence. I was placed in the Boston Tea party. We created a script, puppets, a perciniam, and senses. It was all REALLY stressful, and I wish I didn’t have to do it. But I must admit, it was a good experience. So, I am really happy with this project, I love Ebony, and I give this unit a thumbs up!!!!