September 5th 2019 archive

Hello 2019-2020 School year!!

The summer is over and the school year is here. Yay! I am now a 5th grader!!

I am writing this on the eve of the fourth day of school. My teacher is great and I have a TON of my friends are in my class. I feel like I have never left. Everything is basically the same. Except, We (the 5th grades) are the queens/kings of the school. The oldest, the tallest and the most mature. But the biggest change is all the privileges. So many. You could fill the sun with them. (not really, but you see what I’m saying). I/we have made promises to ourselves that we will keep all of them. I have a feeling 5th grade is going to be awesome!

Summer was great too. After a tearful goodbye to 4th grade, I went on a tiny trip to san diego, which was super fun! Then after a few long days, I went to Eden Village camp for three whole weeks! It was amazing!!!! (And dirty) I rested and relaxed for a week. Then I went to Scandinavia! BEST TRIP OF MY LIFE!!! I went to Copenhagen, The Star fiord (fiords in Norway) and Stockholm. All of them were great, (but I liked Norway the best) I was too caught up in the summer that I forgot to blog! Sorry! I will try a bit harder.

I am looking forward to a great school year!