October 15th 2019 archive

Expedition Mars and Our Rocket, The Aquarius

This is created by all of our group before we launched! Hope you enjoy!

Expedition Mars – Claire, Ajene, Hunter, Issac

We the people of Expedition Mars, designed a special rocket called the Aquarius, to go as up in the sky as we can make it go. It is special because we designed it as skinny as possible. We also made it so it wouldn’t be too light to get caught in the wind, but not too heavy to not have the best propulsion as possible. when building a model rocket, you really want everything to be medium size, the nose cone, not too pointy, not to round. The body tube, not that heavy, not that light. The fins, just the middle length. We are planning to get the Aquarius as high as a model rocket can go!

When you launch a rocket that has a body tube that is way too heavy, drag and weight catch up with it very soon after it goes into the air, causing your rocket to fall just as it gets into the air. But if the body is too light it will get caught by the wind and will drift very far away, and you will be sad. So you need a body tube not to heavy, so it will go in the air, but not to light, so it won’t go sideways either. You need something just right.

We need a medium fin because the fins get caught in the wind and drift. But if we use a small fin it would n’t do anything or the air would get caught. Or if we use a big fin then it would catch the wind and go very far away. If we use a medium fin then it would push up to the sky. 

If you make a rocket without a nose cone and try to launch it, it won’t work because if the nose cone isn’t there the top of the rocket would be flat. If the top rocket is flat and you launch the rocket, the rocket would only go so far and then wind resistance will come by and say hello and make your rocket go down down down. That’s why we are designing our rocket with a skinny nose cone

We want to make the best thrust and landing that we can muster. Our medium sized everything will hopefully get us up into the air. We hope the Aquarius comes back safely to the landing point. Making a rocket will be difficult but I think our design will work out just right!