June 14th 2020 archive


When I wrote part three I thought that was going to be the end of capstone, but I was wrong!

We were showing the videos for our capstone, and I thought mine was great. Fast, with tons of information that I was going to share. That came back to bite me in the back, because it was too fast, and even I couldn’t understand my capstone! And with some public humiliation, I realized it wasn’t going to make the cut. I was devastated. For two whole days I was in a bad mood, not perking up anytime. But today I realized I needing to change it. I realized I needed to redo my capstone. All of it. Script, recording, media. I had to change it all. I took my 993 word script and cut it too 644 words. I took away run on sentences, other information I didn’t need, and every bit of excess stuff off. That took an hour. Then, I rerecorded my video, from beginning to end, I redid it ALL. It was slower, and shorter, and way easier to understand. Then, I took my images, and tailored them to the words. It was hard, and I had to get it exactly right. But finally after hard work, my spirts were lifted, and I had finished my capstone, another time. Thank goodness I did that. It was so much better this time. Thank you to my father for helping me with the project! Whew! A big weight has been lifted off my shoulders!