December 2020 archive

Answers – Swift Playground – pt 7 (Comp Tech)

Hello Everyone! Today I am going to go over a project we did in tech class on Swift playground. We did a simple answer machine, which took an input and repeated that input back. 

Lets see here, our program is asking a question and getting an input, which it then uses to say something about it. For example, when I put in the input “Stela” it would then say “I also like Stela,” The thing about this is if I put in anything, it will say the same thing, “I also like ___”. We did the same thing a couple times in a row, just using different questions. And that’s it! 

I hope you all are well.

(Btw shoutout to SkyBox Labs and Giant Squid for making those great games)

Loops – Swift Playground – pt 6 (Comp Tech)

Hello everyone! Today I will be going over a problem I did in the “Swift Playground Learn to code 1” .

We have the “for” statement, which happens three times, and we repeat the move forwards, collect the gem, move forward twice and then turn right. At the end, instead of doing it again, I just moved forward and collected the gem. The “for” loop tells our character to repeat the stuff in the loop three times, and this is easier than doing lots of functions then repeated them once we get into bigger stuff.

And there you have it, the solution to one of the problems. It was fairly easy, and there was nothing really challenging about it.

I hope you all are well.

A Simple Problem – Swift Playground – pt 5 (Comp Tech)

Hello Everyone! For Computer Tech class, I am using a program called Swift Playground, which is another “learn to code easy” app. Today I am briefly walking you through a problem I was solving on the app!

(Goal of the project, collect gems on the top of the stairs and use functions)

This means, our character will repeat the “Solve stair” function, with additional help by turning around and turning left. We defined “solve stair” in a separate space, so instead of writing all the code down we used a function shortcut. The character (Byte” goes through these steps:

Solve stair to collect gem.

Turn around and then solve stair to collect gem

Turn left then solve stair to collect gem

Finally turn around then solve stairs.


“Everyone can code,” – A video overview – Pt 4 (Comp Tech)

Hello Everyone! Today I will be talking about a video I’ve watched in Computer Technology Class. We watched “Everyone can code” and it was a very inspiring video. I believe that coding is very important and the people in the video are inspiring and they tell people that you can code no matter who you are. One of the people in the video that inspired me is the “Safe Delivery App,” (I don’t know the exact name). The app instructs women on how to safely give birth. I feel this is an important topic because this could change hundreds of peoples lives and help moms and babies across the world.

As the video said, “You shouldn’t cost life to give life,”

I hope you are all well.

Music Video Project – Tynker – Pt 3 (Comp Tech)

Hello Everybody! Today I am talking about the program Tynker again. For our Computer Tech class, we are supposed to make music videos and animate something for them. My sound for the program doesn’t work on my iPad, but I chose the“fantasy theme,” for my project. I animated a dragon flying through space, looking for earth, and it wasn’t my best project, but I did what needed to be done. The animation was a bit choppy, but you could see the story I guess. I thought the project was a bit boring to be honest, but it was a good learning experience.

I hope you all are well.