January 2021 archive

The absolute value fish – Tynker – Pt 9 (Comp Tech)

There are only two weeks left in our computer tech class, and for our final project, we are making lessons about things we’ve learned in school in Tynker, than asking a series of questions about that. I chose absolute values, because you can explain it in two sentences, and I just like writing |20| = ?. Anyways, I had a fish explain the lesson because, well, I felt like it and I went to work dragging “if then else” statements across the screen. After just about ten minutes I had a lesson with three questions at the end of it, and it did what was asked and produced something that worked.

We also were asked to view other peoples projects, and it was very fun to see what people have done. Everybody did different topics, different sprites explaining the topic and different moods of their projects overall. One person did a project where they had a troll explain least common multiples, and would play music if you got questions right. Overall, it was a cute project, a little on the easy side but it was definitely fun to see what other people have done.


Spreadsheets – pt 8 (Comp Tech)

In tech class, we have been creating spreadsheets. We have been monitoring our fitness through the week to test it out. Here is my chart:

To make this chart, I would use google sheets. The first thing I would do is fill in the cells with the amount of fitness I’ve done this week. Then, I would click “Create chart” and then google would create a chart for me! For doing averages, I would type =AVRAGE(), and then I would type in the exact cell location I wanted it to average. I love this feature, and it is much better than adding up 5 numbers in the google calculator and then dividing them. Spreadsheets are helpful in many ways, from counting your party guests to tracking the amount of books you read over the summer. Learning how to use google spreadsheets is easy, so I love using it for whatever random thing I have to keep track of.

I hope you all are well.