March 2021 archive

Circuits – pt 7 (Tech Class)

In technology class, we have been learning about circuits, breadboards, and other fun stuff that involves the transfer of electricity. Lots of classwork was devoted to learning about the bases of atoms, which helped us understand the transfer of electrons from one atom to another atom. From there we could learn about why electricity flows the was it does, and from there we could really understand how circuits work, and why they are used in the way they are used today. In class we experimented with making small LEDs light up, and now we are going to move on to some more complex circuits, and I am super excited! I’m looking forward to how this unit plays out. It has been a really fun intro to electronics!

Atoms? – pt 6 (tech class)

In tech class we have been learning about atoms and what they really are. I’ve studied this in the past, but it was still interesting to learn about. The core of the atom is made of protons and neutrons, and are incredibly tightly bonded. Surrounding the nucleus are the electrons, which we draw as circular but actually appears as a cloud of gas. Atoms are incredibly tiny, so tiny that light doesn’t even bounce off of it! Even with a microscope we can’t see them, so we have to use a special machine to feel around for the atom and draw what it thinks it looks like. Anyways, it was really fun learning about it and it was a great memory refresher.

Hope you all are well.

Wheel and Axel Study – pt 5 (tech class)

In technology class this week we have been experimenting with wheels and axels, and we built cams, a oddly shaped wheel pushing a load up when you turn a crank. We made it out of paper, and it actually works pretty well. I still don’t know what the load is going to be, I am thinking a jack-in-the-box, and the puppet comes out when you turn the wheel. But I’m not the most crafty person, so we will se how that goes. Overall, I think the project was a good way to teach us about wheel and axles, and I look forward to more projects in the future.

Levers – pt 4 (Tech Class)

Hello everybody! For our fourth week in technology class, we have been learning about levers and how they work. Each lever has three parts, an effort, a load and a fulcrum. You can arrange these parts differently, and that what creates different types of levers. We have been learning about class three levers (effort is in the middle). Class three levers are actually pretty weak, but are used in so many things today. Fishing poles, baseball bats, even your own arm is a class three lever! To experiment with this topic, we made mini catapults out of popsicle sticks, because they too are third class levers. Overall, I thought it was a fun project and I look forward to doing more stuff like this in the future.